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Kemp Campaign: Public Ballot Numbers, Election Results “Prove” No Recount or Run-Off

Pro Roof GA

The Kemp campaign released a statement Saturday in response to the claims by the Abrams campaign and the Democratic Party of Georgia that the election is undecided.

The Abrams campaign has been working on a ‘ballot chase’ initiative in which voters who cast provisional ballots on Election Day are tracked down to finish the process for casting their ballot. The Democratic Party of Georgia was also victorious Friday in getting a temporary restraining order against Dougherty County in Southwest Georgia to prevent election certification until more absentee ballots are counted.

Kemp campaign Communications Director Ryan Mahoney said Saturday that Kemp still “maintains a strong lead over Stacey Abrams. Even though it is mathematically impossible for Abrams to force a runoff or win, her campaign refuses to concede.”

From an official press release:

“Stacey Abrams’ antics are a disgrace to democracy and completely ignore the will of the people. This is not how America works. Brian Kemp earned a clear victory on Tuesday night and holds a sizable lead as remaining provisional and military ballots are counted. 

“Clearly, Stacey Abrams isn’t ready for her 15 minutes of fame to end so she’s manufacturing numbers to trick reporters and confuse hardworking Georgians. It is mathematically impossible for Stacey Abrams to win, force a run-off, or trigger a recount. Georgia voters have spoken. It’s time for Abrams to listen and concede immediately.” 

The campaign also released the following numbers, citing public record with the Secretary of State’s office, as reported to by the counties:

As of Saturday, November 10, 2018 (12:00PM)

Total Votes Reported: 3,924,658

Kemp: 1,975,162 (50.33%)

Abrams: 1,912,383 (48.73%)

Metz: 37,113 (.95%)

Kemp Margin: +62,779 votes

Counties Certified: 89

Counties Remaining to Certify: 70

Counties Reporting Total Provisional Results: 118

Original Provisional Ballots in those 118 Counties: 4,472

Total Provisional Ballots Accepted in those 118 Counties: 2,138

Percentage of Provisional Ballots Deemed Ineligible by County Officials Thus Far: 52%

In the counties that have reported official provisional numbers on the Secretary of State’s website thus far, Abrams only has a net ninety-vote margin on Brian Kemp.

Counties Not Yet Reporting Provisional Ballot Results: 41

*Even with these counties not yet reporting final provisional results, several have already reported ineligible ballot numbers. For example: Fulton County (1,556 of 3,722), DeKalb County (646 of 3,000), Chatham County (140 of 329), and Henry County (172 of 339)

Maximum Number of eligible provisional ballots outstanding in those 41 counties — 14,204

Maximum Possible Remaining Outstanding Military Absentee Ballots in Counties Not Yet Certified — 3,291

Total possible ballots remaining (all eligible provisional ballots + all possible military ballots) — 17,495

*Military ballots must have been received by 5PM on Friday, November 9.  They are included in certified count from their respective county.

If all 17,495 possible votes were verified and accepted, and were cast for Stacey Abrams these would be the final results:

Kemp: 50.10% — 1,975,162 (current total)

Abrams: 48.95% — 1,929,878 (adding all 17,495 possible outstanding ballots)

Metz: .95% – 37,113

Total: 3,942,153

Kemp Margin: +45,284

By these numbers, even if Abrams received every possible outstanding ballot there would be no runoff and no recount.

Across the state, counties like Richmond and Fulton are reporting a toss out of upwards of 40% of the provisional ballots cast for reasons like casting a vote in the wrong county and not being registered to vote.


Abrams Campaign Says They ‘Discovered Ballots Not Reported by Kemp’

Jessica Szilagyi is a former Statewide Contributor for



  1. Alan

    November 10, 2018 at 2:05 pm

    Kemp Campaign thinks we do not see that obviously a RECOUNT will be required since by the above his vote total will be within the legal margin for a recount.
    Kemp’s 50.33% (today) is compared to the 50% +1 vote requirement to avoid a Runoff Election, not to the 2nd place finisher.
    However thanks to the gross incompetence of Secretary Kemp, there is little to actually recount.
    “Georgia uses Direct Recording Electronic (DRE) Systems for its elections. The state does not require a voter-verified paper audit trail (VVPAT) when conducting elections.”
    What can be done is to carefully recount all mailed or sealed ballots and give the Election workers enough time to properly process the ballots. The current deadline is absurd.

    Also shame on this publication for using an image of a paper ballot. The lawsuit to force the use of paper ballots was turned down in September.

  2. Linda B

    November 10, 2018 at 6:13 pm

    This with Abrams has gotten totally out of hand. It needs to be STOPPED now. When someone is elected dang it they are elected. I do not know why this woman is just trying so hard for something Georgia does not want. Abrams just needs to let it go but I think all the publicity is what is keeping her going as she is loving all the attention. She owes money and would have been put into a situation where she could possibly get it from the state of Ga. I am not saying she would but anything is possible. This woman is just such a sore, attention-grabbing woman, I actually pity her.

  3. Irwin

    November 11, 2018 at 12:26 pm

    Even if the gap is over 1% Stacey Abrams can PETITION for a RECOUNT of paper ballots and a RECANVAS of the electronic (paperless) machines. Her petition must state evidence in specific precincts and be approved – by the Secretary of State (uh-oh). Her cost = $0.
    Now we see with ballots allowed to arrive by mail through Nov. 9th the Clerk simply needs more time allowed for a proper count.

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