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Georgia complies with federal order, SOS creates website & hotline for provisional voters

Pro Roof GA

Interim Secretary of State Robyn Crittenden Takes Action to Comply with Federal Judicial Order

U.S. District Judge Amy Totenberg issued an order on November 13th directing the Secretary of State to take certain actions regarding certain provisional ballots cast in the November 6, 2018 general election. The order came after a series of lawsuits were filed by the Democratic Party of Georgia, the Abrams for Governor campaign, and Common Cause Georgia over provisonal and absentee ballots.

To comply with the ruling issued Tuesday, the Secretary of State’s office says the following actions have been taken:

  • Established and publicized a toll-free hotline – 1-844-537-5375 – and accompanying website for voters to check the status of the their provisional ballots cast in the November 6, 2018 election;
  • Directed all 159 county election superintendents to similarly publicize the availability of the state’s hotline and website on county and county election websites;
  • Directed counties with 100 or more provisional ballots to engage in a “good faith” review of voters’ eligibility for those who cast provisional ballots coded “PR” (not registered to vote) using all available registration documentation, including information provided by the voter through the time of the review; and
  • Produced information in her possession responsive to the Court’s Order and sought to obtain additional information from county election superintendents.

The Secretary of State’s office also said the toll-free hotline number is publicized on the official agency website as well.

No comment has been offered on the information for the more rural counties that do not have websites.


Jessica Szilagyi is a former Statewide Contributor for

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