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Walker County Republican Party holds monthly meeting

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The Walker County Republican Party held their monthly meeting Tuesday night. Chairman Matt Williamson called the meeting to order at 6:30. The meeting had much excitement with 2 people announcing their candidacy for office.

Michael Peardon will be seeking the office of commissioner, Peardon stated that he supported a five man board of commissioners.

Former Trion Mayor Lanny Thomas will seek the office of state senator, currently held by Jeff Mullis. Thomas has worked in education in Chattooga County for over 30 years, served four years as Mayor of Trion and another four years on the city council.

US Representative Tom Graves spoke to the crowd about the upcoming presidential election saying, “I like the competition of ideas, but whoever wins the nomination, we will unite as a party and work together.” He also mentioned the democratic presidential contenders by pointing out “they have a public socialist against someone being investigated by the FBI.” Graves is serving in his third term in Congress and represents the 14th district in Congress.

Chairman Williamson commented,  “the presidental race will have far reaching implications with the appointment of supreme court justices that will extend far beyond 4 to 8 years.”

The party decided on convention details which are “on Saturday, March 19, 2016, at 9:00AM, the Walker County Republican Party will convene Precinct Mass Meetings elect Delegate and Alternate Delegates to the Walker County Republican Party Convention. The County Convention will convene 10:00AM on March 19, 2016, at the same location for the purpose of electing Delegates and Alternate Delegates to the Congressional District Convention and the State Convention for the purpose of selecting Representative Delegates to the Republican National Convention. Additionally, the Convention will conduct all other business as necessary. Both the Precinct Mass Meetings and County Convention will be held at the Walker County Civic Center, 10052 Highway 27, Rock Spring, Georgia 30739. The County Convention will convene at 10:00 a.m.”

There was a discussion about the party hosting a debate in April for candidates seeking the commissioner post.













Casie Bryant is the NW Georgia Regional Manager for AllOnGeorgia.

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