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4 State Senate Candidates to Square Off in Forum Tuesday Evening

The 4 Republican candidates seeking to succeed Senator Jack Hill will meet Tuesday evening.
Due to social distancing, the forum won’t be open to the public but you can watch it right here on AllOnGeorgia!

Pro Roof GA

The Republican candidates for the special election to fill the vacancy of the 4th State Senate district previously held by the late-Senator Jack Hill will meet for a candidate forum on Tuesday evening.

The Bulloch County Republican Party, in a partnership with AllOnGeorgia, will host the GOP candidates for an in-person forum.

Scott Bohlke, Billy Hickman, Kathy Palmer, and Neil Singleton have all confirmed that they plan on attending.

Unfortunately, due to social distancing guidelines, the forum will not be open to the public. Instead, the event will be streamed live on AllOnGeorgia Facebook pages, including AllOnGeorgia – Bulloch, AllOnGeorgia – Evans, AllOnGeorgia – Tattnall, AllOnGeorgia – Candler, AllOnGeorgia – Emanuel, and

The event begins at 6:30 p.m.

The 4th Senate district will appear on ballots a second time on June 9th with only four candidates – Bohlke, Hickman, Palmer, and Singleton – for the Republican primary. The ultimate winner of that election will assume office in January 2021 to serve a full two-year term. Sammons could also run as an independent, but due to Georgia ballot access laws, must first collect signatures and petition the Georgia Secretary of State to do so. 

The same four, plus Independent Stephen Jared Sammons, will appear on the ballot on June 9th as well for a special election to fill the unexpired term of Senator Hill, which ends at the end of 2020.

Jessica Szilagyi is a former Statewide Contributor for

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