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Bill to Raise Adult Criminal Age from 17 to 18 Approved by Georgia House

The Georgia House of Representatives voted 113-51 on Monday to pass House Bill 272, a bill that would raise the adult criminal age from 17 to 18. There are exceptions. Certain violent crimes would still apply to teens under 18 such as murder, rape, child molestation, and armed robbery with a gun. Gang crimes would still apply to 17 year olds as an adult.

Pro Roof GA

The First Reader Summary for HB 272: A BILL to be entitled an Act to amend Chapter 11 of Title 15 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated, relating to the Juvenile Code, so as to change the jurisdiction of the juvenile court to include children who are under 18 years of age; to amend Title 42 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated, relating to penal institutions, so as to clarify provisions regarding juveniles; to amend Title 35 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated, relating to law enforcement officers and agencies, so as to provide for a uniform misdemeanor citation for certain juvenile offenses; to provide for implementation; to provide for implementation committee; to provide for the powers, composition, and appointment of such committee; to provide for related matters; to repeal conflicting laws; and for other purposes.


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