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Georgia Historic Preservation Division Contributed to National Trust for Historic Preservation’s Webinar and Resources Guide for State Historic Tax Credits, Now Published

Pro Roof GA

As part of their “State-of-the-State Historic Tax Credit” program, The National Trust for Historic Preservation has published a resource guide, webinar, and interactive tools that succinctly present program details for state historic tax credit programs across the country, along with tangible benefits the programs provide. By comparing program features nationwide, these new tools give policy makers, stakeholders, and advocates access to a breadth of options to develop and strengthen state historic tax credit incentives.

The Georgia Historic Preservation Division contributed program information and examples of successful tax incentive projects in the state, particularly examples of resource conservation and positive impacts on affordable housing supply. Legislation establishing the State Income Tax Credit for Rehabilitated Properties was enacted in March 2002, with initial applications eligibility beginning in January 2004. Since then, Georgia has been a national leader in the use of tax incentives for the rehabilitation of historic properties, both residential and commercial.

-Slides- State HTC Resource and Tool

Georgia Historic Preservation Division

Check out the Resource Guide and Data Center:

For more information about the Tax Incentives for Rehabilitated Properties, please visit our website

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