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Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene Confirms Hunter Biden Paid Prostitutes Through Law Firm, Committed Tax Fraud by Deducting Payments to Prostitutes

Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene questioned IRS whistleblowers on the alleged crimes of the Biden family.

Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene questioned IRS whistleblowers on the alleged crimes of the Biden family. Congresswoman Greene’s questioning confirmed Hunter Biden paid prostitutes through his law firm, OWASCO PC, and trafficked his victims across state lines in violation of the Mann Act. The IRS whistleblowers also confirmed Hunter Biden committed tax fraud by deducting payments to prostitutes from OWASCO’s taxes.



Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene

Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Before we begin, I would like to let the committee and everyone watching at home that Parental discretion is advised. I would also like to remind everyone that on our oversight committee, we provide oversight into all parts of the federal government, including the Department of Justice, and their willingness to prosecute, their unwillingness to prosecute, and whether it’s politically motivated. I would also like to say that when evidence and proof of a crime is presented, no prosecution should be denied, no matter who the person is, to the whistleblowers today, I thank both of you for your courage to come to the committee today. And your commitment to truth. I have great respect for it. So thank you. I would like to talk with you both about Hunter Biden, and his tax write-offs with his law firm A Wasco. I would like to ask Mr. Ziegler. When did you start your investigation and your testimony? It was November 20/18. Is that correct? Yes or no?

Joseph Ziegler (Whistleblower X)

Yes, that’s correct.

Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene  
Thank you. During your testimony with the house Ways and Means Committee, you stated that through bank records, you identified Hunter Biden was paying prostitutes related to a potential prostitution ring. Is that correct? Yes or no?

Joseph Ziegler (Whistleblower X)  
Yes, that’s correct.

Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene  
I’ve also reviewed that those same bank reports commonly referred to as SARS suspicious activity reports. And I’m very troubled by them, we read 1000s of them in the treasury. This particular excerpt from a SARS report talks about human trafficking. And in regards to Hunter Biden and a Wasco, and payments he was making. What’s even more troubling to me is that the Department of Justice has brought no charges against Hunter Biden that will vindicate the rights of these women who are clearly victims under the law. I would like to talk about in your prior testimony, you stated that the prosecutorial team was investigating violations of the man act. Is that correct? Mr. Ziegler?

Joseph Ziegler (Whistleblower X)
That is correct.

Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene  
Regarding the man act, if a person is transported across state lines for sexual activity, such as process prostitution, that could be a violation of a federal law, is that correct?

Joseph Ziegler (Whistleblower X)
I actually recently looked at the federal law regarding man act, and I believe that that is correct. But I would refer you to the DOJ manual.

Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene
Thank you. I would like to present this to the committee. This is showing Hunter Biden pain for a victim’s United flight from LA to Dallas. This was a I believe this is a violation of the man act. This is Hunter Biden’s This is his proof that he bought the ticket. He bought it for this woman right here. She he flew her from Los Angeles to Washington, on June 14, flew her back to Los Angeles, California on June 15, of 2018. And I would like to point out that if he was purchasing her a plane ticket for sex and traveling across state lines, do you believe that to be a violation of the man act Mr. Ziegler?

Joseph Ziegler (Whistleblower X)  
So I can talk to specifically what’s in my Tran or what’s in my transcript regarding the man act. So I know we were compiling the information together.

Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene  
Yes. But Mr. Ziegler travel as the law states, by the by the code of the law, it states traveling paying someone to go across state lines is is prostitution, it’s a violation of the man. Let me just move on. Just one more, one more second here. So when or when Hunter Biden paid for this woman to do this with him to travel across state lines from California to Washington, DC on June 15. This is a violation of the man act. This was prostitution. Let me continue. Did Hunter Biden also use his company A Wasco PC to pay prostitutes?

Joseph Ziegler (Whistleblower X)  
Can you hold on one second.

Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene  
Mr. Chairman?

James Comer  
Yeah, we’ll give you this additional time back.

Joseph Ziegler (Whistleblower X)  
So regarding man acts violations, what we can do is given by the statute, we can turn those over the House Ways and Means Committee and then we can they can decide to vote to turn them over to you regarding man act.

Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene  
Thank you, Mr. Ziegler. are so talking about Hunter Biden using his company A Wasco PC to pay prostitutes. This is also a suspicious activity report showing that victim one, the woman that was paid for prostitution that traveled from California to Washington DC paid for by Hunter Biden. This is a an excerpt from a SARS report that we’ve read in the treasury. And I think you all have looked at these two, showing that victim one was supposedly an employee of a Wasco. But But I would like to point out, this is not really what most paralegals do for law firms. And it’s very serious that Hunter Biden was paying this woman through his law firm, and then writing it off as business. tax exemptions. Most people write off, you know, their tax, write off things for their taxes through their businesses, like a meal, or, say, office supplies. But can you confirm for me that Hunter Biden had written off payments to prostitutes through his law firm or Wasco?

Joseph Ziegler (Whistleblower X) 
I appreciate the question given by the statute, and limited in my testimony today, and I respectfully would need to turn those records over to the House Ways and Means Committee.

Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene  
Okay. Thank you, Mr. Ziegler. One last one last question. You referred to one of the assistants as West Coast assistant. I believe this is the West Coast assistant. Could you agree with that?

Joseph Ziegler (Whistleblower X)  
So I can tell you that there were deductions for what we believe to be escorts and then that $10,000 golf club membership? Yes, that was not a golf club membership. That was for a sex club payment.

Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene  
That was for a sex club payment payments, such as this through from from Hunter Biden to prostitutes, also, Mr. Shapley.

James Comer  
We’re one minute and 53 seconds over as long as Ms. Ocasio Cortez can get equal time. I will let the screen wrap up. Five seconds. And then I’ll give Mr. Mfume additional time.

Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene  
Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Mr. Shapley, you started an investigation into Hunter Biden codenames sportsman, which opened in November of 2018. It was an offshoot of an investigation the IRS was conducting into a foreign-based amateur online pornography platform. This is evidence of Hunter Biden making sex tapes, making pornography.

James Comer  
The gentlelady’s time has expired.


via: press release

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