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Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene on Rules Package Facing a Vote in the House

“That’s why I’m a HARD NO on the rules package and a blank check for Ukraine!”

Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene made the following statement on the Rules package facing a vote in the House:

“For weeks, I’ve been asking for Ukraine funding to be a standalone vote, not cash hidden inside of other bills. For a moment, it seemed like that would happen. But it didn’t.

Instead of stripping $300 million of funding to Ukraine from the DOD approps bill like House leadership promised, the Rules committee passed a package that combines multiple approps bills into a single rule.

Not only will Congress be forced to vote on a rule that includes $300 million for Ukraine in America’s defense spending bill, it is now combined with a State and Foreign Ops spending bill that gives a blank check to Biden to spend in Ukraine.

This means BILLIONS of your hard earned money will be at the disposal of Joe Biden, his State Department, and his DOD to be spent on his proxy war against Russia.

The rule is the first step of advancing this blood money in Congress. Unfortunately, it looks like some of the House’s strongest conservatives are going to vote for the rule to help along the “process.”

Voting yes on the rule means more money for Ukraine. It’s that simple. No one who wants peace should vote yes on the rule to advance the bills.

That’s why I’m a HARD NO on the rules package and a blank check for Ukraine!”

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