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Georgia Agriculture Commissioner Warns Consumers Kerosene Sold at Clarksville Circle K Location is Volatile, Should Not be Used

Georgia Agriculture Commissioner Tyler Harper is warning consumers who purchased kerosene from the Circle K store located at 5000 Talmadge Drive in Clarksville, Ga 30523 on or after October 19, 2023, not to use the product in kerosene heaters or lamps. The Kerosene is possibly contaminated with gasoline and has the potential to cause fire or explosion if used in home heaters or lamps. The Georgia Department of Agriculture’s Fuel & Measures Division have placed a “Stop Sale” order on the Kerosene pump at this store.

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“The Georgia Department of Agriculture’s Fuel & Measures Division works every day to ensure the safety and quality of Georgia’s fuel supply and protect Georgia consumers,” said Agriculture Commissioner Tyler Harper. “Georgians who have purchased kerosene from this location should not use it under any circumstance and can visit the store to get a full refund for their purchase.”

Georgia Department of Agriculture Fuel & Measures Division staff discovered the contaminated products during a routine inspection of the store and immediately issued a “Stop Sale” order. The “Stop Sale” order will remain in place until the tank and lines have been sufficiently cleaned and a new shipment of kerosene has been tested and approved by the Department.



  1. Stacie Lopez

    December 12, 2023 at 11:38 am

    I I got 10 gallons of that crap over a month ago and I went back with it the next day cause I knew it was gasoline and they were rude to me. They kept saying that they fix their kerosene pump Friday and I kept saying that it’s gasoline and has nothing to do with the pump. The girl behind the count was very rude and did not care at all that they were selling something dangerous. I knew I should have reported them. I am so angry right now!

  2. Michael Bee

    December 12, 2023 at 9:25 pm

    A big good job to those State of Georgia employees in the Georgia Department of Agriculture who pegged the problem with this kerosene. You know, we all go about our everyday lives shopping here and purchasing another product there. We rarely give a second thought to the quality and safety of that item or how those are ensured. Well, it’s these guys who see to that. The next thing I’m hoping Commisioner Harper can tell us is where that kerosene people purchased from the Circle K came from.

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