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The Joy of the Journey: Mirror Image

Pro Roof GA

Mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s the fairest of them all?” This saying is from a beloved fairy tale and depicts the self-absorbed attitude of Snow White’s evil stepmother.  She would always find herself desiring to be above everyone else.    This serves as a great example, in my opinion, of the world we live in today—so many people are comparing themselves.  They base their relationships on a distorted image.  Our relationship with Jesus is reflected in all of our other relationships.  This is because our relationship with Jesus Christ is not limited to us personally; it extends into all aspects of our lives.  When we accept Jesus, we embark on a journey of transformation and growth, becoming more Christ-like in everything we do. As such, our connection with Jesus is a mirror through which we can evaluate and improve our relationships with those around us.


One way in which our relationship with Jesus reflects in all other relationships is through the values and principles we hold dear. When we follow Jesus, we strive to obey and embody His teachings of love, forgiveness, compassion, and humility. These qualities become the foundation for our relationships with family, friends, co-workers, and strangers. By cultivating these virtues, we build stronger and more meaningful connections characterized by trust and understanding.


Furthermore, our relationship with Jesus also shapes our perspective on others. Seeing people through the eyes of Christ’s unconditional love allows us to approach them without judgment and with a desire to serve and help. It reminds us that everyone is made in the image of God and deserves to be treated with dignity and respect. This mindset transforms our interactions, fostering empathy and unity.  I would also add that in a modern world that thinks, “If you love me, you will agree with my life and lifestyle,” this can be misunderstood.  Love is not about you approving or agreeing with the choices or lifestyles of others. I tell my congregation that Jesus loves you just the way you are; however, he loves you too much to leave you that way.  As we grow in our relationship with God, it will change us.  Paul said, “and have put on the new self, which is being renewed in the knowledge after the image of its creator.” Colossians 3:10 ESV.


Our relationship with Jesus encourages us to prioritize serving others rather than being self-centered. Jesus declared in Matthew 20:28 NLT,“even as the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many.” He encourages us to do the same. This mindset shifts our focus from our own desires and needs to that of those around us. By imitating Jesus’ selflessness, we become more willing to sacrifice our time, resources, and energy to meet the needs of others. This act of service not only builds up our relationships but also showcases the transforming power of Christ’s love.


Lastly, our relationship with Jesus gives us a solid foundation of unconditional love, acceptance, and security. When we experience the depth of Jesus’ love for us, we are better equipped to love ourselves and others. It allows us to create an atmosphere of trust, vulnerability, and transparency within our relationships, bringing about emotional intimacy and openness.


In conclusion, our relationship with Jesus Christ has a profound impact on all other relationships we engage in. By cultivating virtues such as love, forgiveness, compassion, and humility, we become more Christ-like in our interactions. This transformation influences how we see others; how we handle conflicts, our willingness to serve and sacrifice, and the depth of love, we can offer. As we reflect the image of Jesus in our relationships, we create a ripple effect of Christ’s love, transforming our lives and those around us.  So keep moving forward through prayer, worship, and the study of God’s Word until the image in the mirror reflects the true fairest of all…Jesus!


In His Love


Pastor P.

Pastor Phil Minter began his ministry in 1989 as a freshman in college. He received his degree in theology and ministry in 1992. During his time in college and after graduation he traveled conducting revivals, youth camps, and conferences in many states and countries. He lived in Athens, Greece for a short time where he aided in the mission efforts throughout Europe. He returned to the United States where he continued to minister in the USA and Canada. In 1994 he would move back to Georgia and travel the state speaking at various events. Phil married Tina Flowers in 1996 where they began their pastoral ministry in Jesup, Georgia. In 1999 they moved to Trion, Georgia, where they presently pastor Harvest Worship Center. Pastor Phil has a lifetime commitment to Chattooga County and the surrounding areas. Pastor Phil still travels (although limited due to his pastoral commitments) to preach and teach; Revivals, Camps, and, Conferences. His heart is driven by the great commission of Matthew 28. Reaching souls for Christ is and will remain his primary focus!

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