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Rep. Dale Washburn Introduces the School Zone Camera Ban Bill

State Representative Dale Washburn (R-Macon) recently introduced House Bill 225, which would ban school zone speed cameras.

State Representative Dale Washburn (R-Macon) recently introduced House Bill 225, which would ban school zone speed cameras. His legislation would repeal House Bill 978, which passed in 2018 and allowed for the use of cameras in school zones.

“It is time to do the right thing and ban these cameras,” said Rep. Washburn. “While these cameras may have originally been enacted with good intent, the results have shown they do not make school zones any safer. They do not enhance public safety. Instead, they have created an avenue for local governments and out-of-state companies to generate millions of dollars at the expense of everyday Georgians. We gave these cameras a chance, and the data has shown they do not do their job. I am grateful to my colleagues in the House who have co-sponsored this legislation, with 100 representatives supporting it. That is more than half of the members of the House.”

The school zone cameras, implemented under HB 978, were originally designed to monitor traffic in school zones. HB 225 would repeal this legislation and prohibit the use of these cameras in school zones.

The full text of House Bill 225 may be found here.

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