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GA Dept of Corrections: Daily COVID-19 Updates to Be Discontinued

The Georgia Department of Corrections (GDC) announced today that, due to the declining number of COVID-19 cases among staff and inmates across GDC facilities and successful vaccination rates, daily updates, and reporting of such cases on the GDC website will discontinue effective Monday, July 19, 2021.

As of July 16, a recovery rate of 97% among the inmate population, and 99% among staff has been reported. Additionally, more than 29,000 offenders have been fully vaccinated, and the GDC will continue to make the vaccine available to all offenders entering the system, as well as any additional offenders who wish to be inoculated.

COVID-19 testing protocols will remain in place, to include testing of all offenders upon intake.  All facility sanitation enhancements, and masks will be optional for both staff and inmates.  More information related to these protocols can be found on our website at

The GDC will continue to monitor any potential changes to the status of COVID-19 cases within our facilities, as well as updates to guidance from the Georgia Department of Public Health (DPH) and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC).  The COVID-19 dashboard will be reinstated if the situation warrants based on any significant fluctuations.


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