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Fosters Needed for Humane Society of Statesboro and Bulloch Co Pets

The Humane Society of Statesboro and Bulloch County needs foster homes for the rescued cats and dogs in their care and future rescues.


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As a foster, we will take care of YOU while you’re taking care of one of our rescued animals!
We provide everything that you need: food, bedding, medicine, supplies, everything!
What will you do? Make sure they go to their vet appointments (that we pay for), attend adoption events, & provide a loving environment while they search for their forever home.

Since the Humane Society does not have a physical shelter, we are running out of space in our personal homes to house all of the animals!

This is a great experience for those who are interested in pets, but want a test-run before adopting a life long friend. If you have children and want them to learn responsibility before making the big commitment of adopting, this is a great first step!

As always, we could not do what we do without the help of YOU! 

Complete the Foster Volunteer Form HERE.

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