Bulloch Commissioners voted to reduce the speed limit on a handful of county roads Tuesday morning.
From the Staff Report:
The County’s list of speed limits was revised and approved by the Board of Commissioners on November 7,
2017. Some inconsistencies and omissions were discovered after the last revision. The new proposed revisions
are as follows:
- Langston Chapel Road: The section from Harville Road to the roundabout at Burkhatler Rd is being changed from 55 mph to 35 mph. Also, the section from Lanier Drive to Old Register Road is changed from 55 mph to 45 mph. Also, the section from the roundabout at Burkhalter to just west of the roundabout was changed to 35 mph for both directions of travel. This section was previously approved to be 45 mph for the westbound traffic and 35 mph for the eastbound traffic. GDOT specifies that both directions of travel on a given section of roadway must have the same speed limit.
- Rushing Road: The section from the Burkhalter Road roundabout (5-Points) to 0.3 miles south of the roundabout was changed to 35 mph for both directions of travel. The previous revision had made it 45 mph for southbound travel and 35 mph for northbound travel.
- Black Creek Church Road: The section near the end of pavement was reduced from 55 mph to 45 mph
The vote was part of the consent agenda, voted upon with a number of other agenda items. The full PDF of the speed limits is below: