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INSIDER: Sheriff Candidate Noel Brown

Portal native Noel Brown has been with the Bulloch County Sheriff’s Office for over 18 years. Prior to serving with the BCSO, he worked with Georgia Southern University Police Department and he has an extensive military background with the Air Force. But now Brown is seeking the highest Constitutional office in Bulloch County, a position for which he feels he is uniquely qualified.


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With a desire to be in law enforcement from the time he was a young child, Brown is well-known in the community and greets everyone he sees with a cheerful, comforting confidence. But even he will tell you there is so much more to law enforcement and serving as Sheriff than a smile and a good attitude.

So, why Noel Brown?

In a one-on-one interview, Brown said his focus will continue to be what he has worked to accomplish his entire career with the Sheriff’s Office: eye-to-eye contact and personal interaction. Brown says the BCSO is on the right track when it comes to transparency and communication with the public, and that is something that will continue if he is elected, but the community craves the presence of law enforcement in their neighborhood. One of the most important aspects of good law enforcement, Brown says, is approachability.

Brown’s approach to law enforcement isn’t just enforcement, but also education. He used the example of domestic situations where small Noel Brown Sheriffchildren are present during an arrest. Brown explained the importance of a good example and a high level of respect not only for the persons involved in the incident, but for the young eyes watching because s the experience will stick with them forever. Brown believes the perception of those watching from the outside is just as important as the experience of those involved, and could very likely change the direction of the life of any of those onlookers.

Sergeant Brown says it’s imperative that the BCSO focuses on “quality over quantity.” Good cases evolve from the very first moment of interaction, he explained. According to Brown, that has everything to do with training, the camaraderie and tone in the Sheriff’s Office, and the way feedback is channeled from the deputies on the road. Brown says there is no way to serve as Sheriff believing you can do it all on your own. It’s the hard work of everyone in the office that makes for a good Sheriff.

The responsibility of serving in law enforcement is one Brown takes very seriously. He answers calls on his work phone at any hour of the day because he feels it his duty and he says “everyone’s problems matter.” When asked what a typical day as Sheriff would look like for him, Brown responded, “A typical day never ends,” something he says Sheriff Anderson instilled in him. And how long will he serve? Brown says he will step away when the fire to serve goes away, but for now, that light from that fire is bright.

Brown also wants to preserve the good working relationship with the municipalities. He said the partnerships between them, Georgia Southern PD, Georgia State Patrol, the GBI, and the FBI are all invaluable. The agencies start and finish many cases together, all knowing these jobs cannot be done alone.

A few initiatives 

  • Brown knows the growing size of the Bulloch County Jail is also of concern, one he says could be addressed by building up or building out. He would also like to restructure the intake area of the jail to streamline the process of booking. Brown says the Office has long been doing what it can with the allocated funds, but he would like to prioritize certain renovations of the jail to improve working conditions for the staff and accommodate the increasing influx of inmates in the jail.
  • Over time, Brown would like to see more deputies on each shift on patrol around the county.
  • Brown also mentioned his desire to bring a school resource officer to every school in Bulloch County. He said there is a strong need and he will make sure it happens if he is elected Sheriff. Brown believes there is no better deterrent for crime than having a resource officer in the school, one who would also assist with traffic and events outside of normal school hours as well.

Like many in the Sheriff’s Office, Brown believes that the employees in every department are a family. The diversity of the office, he says, it what makes it so great. Between the seasoned deputies and the young, fresh faces, there are so many perspectives and ideas he is excited about hearing if elected to serve.

As for the nitty gritty of the campaign, Brown plans to roll out a series of detailed initiatives over the next few months leading up to the election.

Noel Brown still lives in Portal where he was born and raised. He currently oversees the Civil and Warrants Division of Court Services. He has a daughter, Dakota Brown who is 17, and a son, Roy Stone, who is 22.

He has a campaign Facebook page where you can learn more about his career and campaign.

The primary election will be held on May 24th and Sheriff Anderson’s term expires December 31, 2016. The deadline to register to vote is April 26, 2016.

Jessica Szilagyi is a former Statewide Contributor for

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