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Town of Register reinstates police department

The Register Town Council voted to reinstate the police department.

The Town of Register voted to reinstate their police department at their January meeting after a near year-long suspension of services.


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The council set a target date of April 1, 2017 to begin patrolling the town that totals just 494 acres but includes Highway 46 to Metter, an area of complaint for locals due to frequent speeders. The plan is to re-evaluate the program after 10 weeks to ensure the operations aren’t draining city finances as they were in 2015 when it was discovered that the PD was costing $300,000 annually. 

AllOnGeorgia was present in July of 2016 when citizens voiced their concerns over costs, ethics, and daily presence as the the chief and officers from the Brooklet Police Department presented their offer for part time services. (Read about the proposal and costs here)

Register held off on reinstating the police department last summer over cost concerns realizing the need of nearly $10,000 to get the police department up and running through the first month of operations.

It is not clear who will patrol the area come April 1, but the Bulloch County Sheriff’s Office and Georgia State Patrol have assisted since the suspension. Brooklet Police Chief Doug Meyer was not present at the January meeting.

The vote was unanimous, however, Councilwoman Brittany Brannen was not present.

Jessica Szilagyi is a former Statewide Contributor for

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