The Georgia Department of Transportation says the long-awaited traffic light at the dangerous intersection of SR 67 and Brooklet-Denmark Road/Nevils-Denmark Road will be activated Wednesday, December 21.
Intersection improvements are in conjunction with the SR 67 widening project. The contractor has installed and bagged the new signals. This signalized intersection will provide pedestrian crosswalks and flashing yellow arrows in the left turn lanes to enhance safety and optimize operational efficiency.
While not expected to be in service for the Wednesday morning commute, the signal should be fully functional by mid-day, weather permitting. Local law enforcement will handle traffic control during activations. Message boards are in place this week near the intersection to alert motorists of this new traffic signal location and activation date.
Motorists are always advised to proceed cautiously through intersections, but most certainly so next week during activation and the days to follow as drivers become acclimated to the new signal.