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Brooklet PD sees praise for bumper stickers

“I trust in the God of our Founding Fathers, my family, and my rifle.”

Check out the bumper sticker on the back of this City of Brooklet Police patrol car. It reads:


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“I trust in the God of our Founding Fathers, my family, and my rifle.”

Brooklet residents and some around Bulloch County seem to think it’s an A+ but following a string of stories from around the nation calling for the removal of stickers and signs like this, even in instances of businesses donating the stickers to the police department, it is hard to find the stickers on police cars without controversy. Just last month, a similar measure was defeated in North Carolina. Even still, several cities and counties have adopted stickers denoting trust in God.

So, we want to know…what do you think? YEA or NAY:


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Jessica Szilagyi is a former Statewide Contributor for

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