The Bulloch County Board of Education will host a scheduled work session today, March 25, at 6:30 p.m., in the cafetorium of the school district’s Central Office, 150 Williams Road, Statesboro.
Guests need to enter the entrance marked E under the portico on the southeast side of the building. The meeting space is open to the public. All guests are asked to maintain a social distance in the interest of public health.
For public participation:
Work session meetings do not include a time on the agenda for public participation. Persons who wish to address comments to the Board, may contact the Board of Education at any time, not just during regular session meetings. This can be done either to Board members’ individual email addresses, to the Board’s group email, or to the Board’s attention via Superintendent of Schools Charles Wilson at 912.212.8500 or to the superintendent’s email.
Topics of today’s meeting:
The work session topic is an update and continued discussion on facilities planning. Other business includes the following: (1)a vote on the proposed sale of surplus mobile classroom units; (2) a vote on proposed Georgia School Boards Association legislative positions; and (3) a vote on the contract to sell the former Julia P. Bryant Elementary School property.
See the full agenda and Board packet below or online here. Audio visual presentations will be uploaded to Bulloch County Schools’ website prior to the meeting and displayed within the livestream for your reference.
Watch online:
Watch meetings live via livestream on our website or Facebook page or later via the archived video on our website. If you experience technical difficulties during the meeting email for help or text 912.536.2827.