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Bulloch Co Schools: ‘Schools are safe, Threats to neighboring school district unrelated to Bulloch’

From Bulloch County School District:


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Bulloch County Schools is aware that area law enforcement are investigating alleged threats against a neighboring school district.  These threats are not related to our Bulloch County Schools; however, the viral nature of social media has caused some confusion and concern among local families.  All of our schools are open and operating safely on a normal schedule.

Please know that our school district and law enforcement take threats seriously.  We will always communicate any legitimate threats to our families.

To help support safe school environments, please remind children that disruption of a public school, school bus or bus stop are all against the law. We encourage students and adults to say something if you see something.

You can Immediately report crime tips or suspicious activity at a school to a school administrator, a trusted adult, or contact law enforcement tip lines, all of which are the best sources from whom to seek and to report information about school safety rather than social media.

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