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Ogeechee Tech: Intubation The Focus For Paramedic Students In Trauma Lab

Photo: OTC

On May 27, Ogeechee Technical College Paramedicine Technology students trained on cadavers as part of the Emergency Care Trauma Skills held in the Jack Hill building at OTC.


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Hosted by the Georgia EMS Association and the Georgia Trauma Commission, the hands-on, immersive session gave the students the opportunity to review relevant anatomy associated with critical care and life saving emergency procedures.

“Technology used for training in our field is continually improving and changing the way we educate our students; however, having the opportunity to learn and train on cadavers is the most realistic simulation you can provide,” said Chris Page, OTC’s Paramedicine Technology program director. “We spent a lot of time in the trauma lab working on intubation and familiarizing ourselves with what we may see in real-life trauma scenarios.”

OTC students spent a majority of their time examining the lungs and practicing proper intubation techniques which are critically important for stabilizing a trauma patient for transport to the hospital.

“It was one of the most fascinating experiences I have ever had the pleasure of participating in,” said Andrew Freeman, a Paramedicine Technology student. “To tactually examine the structures that make up a human body, and learn from the experiences of our instructors was second to none. You can read all of the textbooks you want, but there is no substitution to learning from a physical body.”

The Emergency Care Trauma Skills lab was open for public registration and in addition to OTC students there were nurses, paramedics, doctors, medical students, and military medics from across the state of Georgia in attendance.

If you’re interested in learning more about the Paramedicine Technology program or one of the many other programs at Ogeechee Tech, visit

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