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Statesboro High Student Selected for State Superintendent’s Student Advisory Council

Eli Compton, Statesboro High School / Bulloch County Schools

Bulloch County Schools announced today that a Statesboro High School student has been selected to serve on the State School Superintendent’s Student Advisory Council for 2021-2022.


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Eli Compton, a 15-year-old, tenth-grade student is one of 66 teens from across the state who will meet with Superintendent Richard Woods throughout the school year to discuss how state education policies impact classrooms.

“The primary reason I chose to apply for Student Advisory Council was to voice the ideas of many students who feel that they’re opinions are not considered within much of the decision making process that decides the what and how of teaching in schools,” Compton said. “While serving on the council the main issue I plan to discuss is the lack of life skills education within the public school system; the reason for this being that many students after graduating from high school lack the knowledge and skills required to succeed in adult life, such as knowing how to find housing or how to pay taxes. In terms of the impact upon the classroom experience of students this would add an additional class that would further their ability to live as a member of society once leaving high school. What I most look forward to over the course of this year serving on the Student Advisory Council is sharing these ideas and being able to discuss how to improve the schooling experience of students and teachers alike.”

In a statement released by the Georgia Department of Education, Superintendent Woods said, “Year after year, my Student Advisory Council is an invaluable resource as I make decisions that impact students across the state. Getting to know these students and seeking their feedback and perspectives allows all of us at the Georgia Department of Education to make the best possible policy choices.”

More than 1,000 applications were received from tenth-, eleventh- and twelfth-grade students from across the state, and a panel of GaDOE staff members reviewed the applicants’ essay submissions to make selections for the Council. The Council will have a series of in-person and virtual meetings this school year. Compton is the son of Jonathan and Stephanie Compton of Statesboro.

Bulloch County Schools

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