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Catoosa Commissioners Vote $54K Severance for Resigned County Manager

After an executive session lasting almost 90 minutes, the Catoosa Board of Commissioners unanimously approved a severance package of $54,000 for former county manager, Jim Walker.

Pro Roof GA

Walker abruptly resigned at the last commissioner’s meeting on February 20, also in an executive session that immediately followed the regularly scheduled business meeting.  District 4 Commissioner Ray Johnson requested the executive session for personnel reasons at the start of the business meeting.  No details of Walker’s resignation were released, and the commissioners have repeatedly invoked a confidentiality agreement when pressed for more details.

A Mutual Release and a Mutual Non-Disparagement Agreement were also approved at the recommendation of county attorneys, Chad Young and Skip Patty.

In the earlier business meeting, the board approved an addendum to the internet policy section of the county employee handbook, as well as funding for a GIS WebTech software package for the Catoosa County Economic Development Authority and the contract licenses to use the software.  The GIS package was recommended by the Northwest Georgia Joint Development Authority, and was partially funded by matching funds from the Top of Georgia fund.


Denise (Pierce) Burns is a native of Catoosa County. She covers local government.

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