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The Road to Recovery begins Connect City Church

Hurts, Habits and Hangups Can Destroy Your Potential. There is Help Waiting at Celebrate Recovery

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Everyone knows someone battling with addiction. A single bad choice can turn into two… which can lead to a pattern of bad choices. Before you know it, the choice has turned into a habit. For many people, a bad habit can tap into an addictive part of the brain that makes stopping the behavior almost impossible.

These addictions have been tearing apart the fabric of families and communities all across our country and the efforts to combat them have become a national endeavor. For a Chattooga County, Celebrate Recovery is a group that is dedicated to fighting this epidemic.

Since October Celebrate Recovery has been meeting on Friday nights at Connect City Church. Each Friday the crowds have grown, last Friday there was a record breaking 75 people in attendance.   

Celebrate Recovery is for anyone with the courage to be honest about life’s hurts, habits and hang-ups and is willing to open their life to healing and change. CR provides a safe place for individuals to begin their journey of breaking out of bondage and into God’s grace by helping them to start dealing with their life’s hurts, habits, and hang-ups.

Each week individuals are closing the door on the pain of the past and choosing to move forward, finding freedom from the hurts, hangups and habits that have stood in the way of a victorious life,” CR Ministry Director, Allen Burris said.  

If youre human, youve dealt with some kind of hurt, habit, or hang-up over the course of your life.  Celebrate Recovery is for those of us who have a difficult time dealing with that hurt, shaking that habit, or breaking free from that hang-up,” Lead Pastor (Connect City Church), Jared Pickard said.  

What are hurts, habits, and hangups?

hurt” is any life experience that may have damaged your heart.

•       Abandonment

•       Abortion

•       Abuse

•       Adoption

•       Rape

Habits are unhealthy patterns in your life.

•       Eating disorders

•       Gambling

•       Sex addictions and lifestyles

•       Substance abuse

•       Spending problems

And lastly, hang-ups” are those road blocks that keep you from progressing further in Gods plan for your life.

•       Anger

•       Anxiety

•       Bullying

•       Codependency

•       Racism

Celebrate Recovery happens at Connect City Church every Friday night.  Dinner is provided at 6pm and the service begins at 7pm.  Childcare is provided.

South Summerville Baptist

Casie Bryant is the NW Georgia Regional Manager for AllOnGeorgia.

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