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CHATTOOGA COUNTY MARCH 2021 TAX SALE—The following properties will be sold

Under and by virtue of certain tax Fi.Fa.’s issued by the Tax Commissioner of Chattooga County, Georgia, in favor of the State of Georgia and County of Chattooga against the following named persons and the property as described immediately below their respective name(s).
There will be sold for cash or certified funds at public outcry, before the Courthouse door in Summerville, Chattooga County, Georgia, between the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in March 2021, the same Tuesday, March 2, 2021
The following property will be sold between the legal hours of sale, 10:00 AM and 4:00 PM. The below listed and described properties, or as much thereof as will satisfy the State and County tax execution on the respective individual and property. The properties hereinafter described have been levied on as the property of the persons whose names immediately precede the property description. Each of the respective parcels of property are located in Chattooga County, State of Georgia. The years for which said Fi.Fa’s are issued and levied are stated below the name of the owner in each case.
This is a buyer beware sale and all property will be sold as is. The Tax Commissioner makes no warranty, neither expressed nor implied, as to title, and all properties are subject to all recorded covenants, easements, and right of ways. Properties are sold under the power of a tax sale deed with specific rights of redemption.
Each defendant and tenant in possession, if applicable, has been notified of levy time and place of sale. Purchaser shall pay for title, all transfer cost, all taxes, advertising cost and recording fees. Pursuant to Georgia Law, payment will be required within one (1) hour of the completion of the tax sale. In the event a bid is not properly paid, the property shall be re-offered at 2:00 PM on the day of the sale, or the following day, that being March 3, 2021.
File #: 2
Map/Parcel Number: 7A2–259
Defendant(s) in FiFa: Benson, Harry; 7A2–259 / Lot 8 Blk 51 Cloudland Park
Current Property Owner: Same as Defendant(s) in FiFa
Reference Deed: 8/499
Property Description: All and only that parcel of land designated as Tax Parcel 7A2–259, lying and being in Chattooga County, Georgia, being Lot 8, Block 51, Cloudland Park Subdivision, shown in Plat Book 1, Page 1, described in Deed book 8, Page 499, the description contained therein being incorporated herein by this reference, .
Years Due: 2013-2019
File #: 3
Map/Parcel Number: 7A3–77
Defendant(s) in FiFa: Booth, Shelley B Mrs ; 7A3–77 / Lot 10 Blk 228 Cloudland
Current Property Owner: Same as Defendant(s) in FiFa
Reference Deed: NRF
Property Description: All and only that parcel of land designated as Tax Parcel 7A3–77, lying and being in Land Lot 261 of the 13th Land District, Chattooga County, Georgia, being Lot 10, Block 228, Cloudland Park Subdivision, shown in Plat Book 1, Page 1, the description contained therein being incorporated herein by this reference.
Years Due: 2013-2019
File #: 5
Map/Parcel Number: 7A3–70
Defendant(s) in FiFa: Davis, Grace; 7A3–70 / Lot 4 Blk 227
Current Property Owner: Same as Defendant(s) in FiFa
Reference Deed: 14/131
Property Description: All and only that parcel of land designated as Tax Parcel 7A3–70, lying and being in Land Lot 261 of the 13th Land District, Chattooga County, Georgia, being Lot 4, Block 227, Cloudland Park Subdivision, shown in Plat Book 1, Page 1, described in Deed Book 14, Page 131, the description contained therein being incorporated herein by this reference. Years Due: 2013-2019
File #: 6
Map/Parcel Number: 7A2–11
Defendant(s) in FiFa: Davis, J C; 7A2–11 Lot 8 Blk 25
Current Property Owner: Same as Defendant(s) in FiFa
Reference Deed: 11/254
Property Description: All and only that parcel of land designated as Tax Parcel 7A2–11, lying and being in Land Lot 280, 13th Land District, Chattooga County, Georgia, being Lot 8, Block 25, Cloudland Park, Lookout Mountain Subdivision, shown in Plat Book 1, Page 1, described in Deed Book 11, Page 254, the description contained therein being incorporated herein by this reference. Years Due: 2013-2019
File #: 10
Map/Parcel Number: 7A2–205-L08
Defendant(s) in FiFa: Higgins, W C; 7A2–205-L08 / Lot 8 Block “N”
Current Property Owner: Same as Defendant(s) in FiFa
Reference Deed: 8/377
Property Description: All and only that parcel of land designated as Tax Parcel 7A2–205-L08, lying and being in Chattooga County, Georgia, being Lot 8, Block N, Cloudland Park Subdivision, described in Deed Book 8, Page 377, the description contained therein being incorporated herein by this reference.
Years Due: 2018-2019
File #: 11
Map/Parcel Number: 7A3–30
Defendant(s) in FiFa: Joyner, Lillian (G); 7A3–30 Lot 1 Blk 240 Cloudland
Current Property Owner: Same as Defendant(s) in FiFa
Reference Deed: 14/96
Property Description: All and only that parcel of land designated as Tax Parcel 7A3–30, lying and being in Chattooga County, Georgia, being Lot 1, Block 240, Cloudland Park Subdivision, shown in Plat Book 1, Page 1, described in Deed Book 14, Page 96, the description contained therein being incorporated herein by this reference.
Years Due: 2013-2019
File #: 12
Map/Parcel Number: 7A2–260
Defendant(s) in FiFa: Keely, J M; 7A2–260 Lot 7 Blk 51
Current Property Owner: Same as Defendant(s) in FiFa
Reference Deed: 8/494
Property Description: All and only that parcel of land designated as Tax Parcel 7A2–260, lying and being in Chattooga County, Georgia, being Lot 7, Block 51, Cloudland Park Subdivision, shown in Plat Book 1, Page 1, described in Deed Book 8, Page 494, the description contained therein being incorporated herein by this reference.
Years Due: 2013-2019
File #: 20
Map/Parcel Number: 7A2–285
Defendant(s) in FiFa: Smith, Kirby, Jr & Stephens HD; 7A2–285 Lt 1 Blk 62
Current Property Owner: Stephens, H D, Estate IN REM All Heirs Known & Unknown & Langley, Sheila Reference Deed: 710/28
Property Description: All and only that parcel of land designated as Tax Parcel 7A2–285, lying and being in Land Lot 261 of the 13th Land District, 4th Section, Chattooga County, Georgia, being Lot 1, Block 62, Cloudland Park Subdivision, shown in Plat Book 1, Page 1, described in Deed Book 710, Page 28, the description contained therein being incorporated herein by this reference. Years Due: 2013-2019
File #: 25
Map/Parcel Number: 7A2–120
Defendant(s) in FiFa: Rowers, Will M & RN (RM); 7A2–120 Lot 6 Blk 30
Current Property Owner: Same as Defendant(s) in FiFa
Reference Deed: 14/32
Property Description: All and only that parcel of land designated as Tax Parcel 7A2–120, lying and being in Chattooga County, Georgia, being Lot 6, Block 30, Cloudland Park Subdivision, shown in Plat Book 1, Page 1, described in Deed Book 14, Page 32, the description contained therein being incorporated herein by this reference.
Years Due: 2013-2019
File #: 29
Map/Parcel Number: S08–4
Defendant(s) in FiFa: Williams, Homer; S08–4 / Lts in Blk D Harlow Sub
Current Property Owner: Same as Defendant(s) in FiFa
Reference Deed: 290/312; 402/318
Property Description: All and only that parcel of land designated as Tax Parcel S08–4, lying and being in the 13th Land District, 4th Section, City of Summerville, Chattooga County, Georgia, containing 0.31 acres, more or less, being a portion of the property shown in Plat Book 2, Page 2, described in Deed Book 402, Page 318, the description contained therein being incorporated herein by this reference, known as 83 Roberts Street.
Years Due: 2014-2019
File #: 30
Map/Parcel Number: S08–21
Defendant(s) in FiFa: Williams, Homer Alexander Jr; S08–21 Lt E of Roberts St W of M
Current Property Owner: Same as Defendant(s) in FiFa
Reference Deed: 592/604
Property Description: All and only that parcel of land designated as Tax Parcel S08–21, lying and being in Land Lot 3 of the 13th District, 4th Section, City of Summerville, Chattooga County, Georgia, being a portion of Harlow Subdivision, described in Deed Book 592, Page 604, the description contained therein being incorporated herein by this reference, known as 114 James Street. Years Due: 2018-2019

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