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Pedestrian teen hospitalized after being struck by car

A teenager was struck by a vehicle on Highway 114 in front of Chattooga High School on Thursday evening.

Georgia Auto Brokers

15-year old Elijah Palmer was crossing the highway after soccer practice on his way home.

The accident happened around 6:40 p.m.

Redmond EMS transported the victim to the Redmond Station on Stockade Road in Summerville to be transported by Life Force to Erlanger Hospital in Chattanooga.

Photo provided to AllOnGeorgia by Elijah’s grandmother

Elijah has a broken elbow, lacerations to the spleen and multiple bruises. “He is bad they are putting him in ICU, he has broken arm hurt lungs, and a bad spline,” Elijah’s grandmother Tammy Ford said. “I am so worried please ask people to keep him in their prayers,” Ford said.

The Georgia State Patrol is investigating the accident.

South Summerville Baptist

Casie Bryant is the NW Georgia Regional Manager for AllOnGeorgia.



  1. Alexandria

    April 6, 2018 at 1:14 pm

    Never in a million ways did I ever think this would be something I see. I truly appreciate all the prayers being sent on our behalf and for my baby boy Elijah Palmer. Also pray for my other son Luis Garcia. He witnessed his brother being hit and the pain he was in. Thank you to each first responder who was at my son aid. Thank you for the man who we have not identified that helped calm him and who touched each area of his body and begin to speak the word of God over him. Thank you for comforting him. Thank you to the lady who was behind the one who hit my son. Who jumped out of her car and began to administer immediate care and who held his hand the entire time. I am so grateful to everyone. Prayers are much needed. Love each one who has prayed over us.

  2. Tracy Evans

    April 6, 2018 at 1:24 pm

    They have needed a crosswalk there forever. Pray that he is ok and maybe this will wake them up to put a crosswalk or light there.

  3. Amber Maxey

    April 6, 2018 at 5:18 pm

    Elijah, does NOT want this picture of him up. Could you please remove it. This really upset him.

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