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Republicans to gather at Tillman Hanger Rally

The Rally will be Pro Trump and will jump start the State of Georgia to elect and re-elect Republicans in 2020. Voter registration will be available.

Republicans from around Northwest Georgia will gather on Saturday at the Tillman Hangar Rally.

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The Tillman Hangar Rally is an annual event hosted by the Floyd County Republican Party. It is an event that brings fellow Republicans and conservatives from the surrounding Counties and from across the State of Georgia to be encouraged and to encourage each other to promote conservative values and to work hard to help elected Republicans to public office.

The rally is held in the Tillman Hangar at the Russell Regional Airport, Rome, GA.

The Tillman Hanger Rally is the largest annual Republican rally in North Georgia. The rally will feature speakers from local, State, and Federal governments. The Trump Bus, Bikers for Trump, Women for Trump, Veterans for Trump, and other conservative organizations will be present to share information about their groups.

The Rally will be Pro Trump and will jump start the State of Georgia to elect and re-elect Republicans in 2020. Voter registration will be available.

The general public is invited.  Admission is free. Doors open at 10:00 AM, Catered BBQ will be available for purchase at 10:30 AM, and the event begins at 11:00 AM.


Below is a list of confirmed speakers:

Chris Carr, Georgia State Attorney General

Minister Vivian Childs, chairman of the Georgia Black Republican Counsel

Joshua Macias, National Chairman of the Veterans for Trump Coalition

Julianne Thompson, Women for Trump 2020 National Advisory Board

Dale Herndon, National Director of Bikers for Trump

David Shafer, Chairman of the Georgia State Republican Party

Jason Thompson, Georgia National Committeeman

Colt Chambers, State Chairman of the Georgia Young Republicans

Georgia State Senator Chuck Hufstetler

Georgia State Representative Katie Dempsey

Georgia State Representative Eddie Lumsden

Georgia State Representative Mitchell Scoggins

Leigh Patterson, Floyd County District Attorney

Scotty Hancock, Chairman of the Floyd County Commission

Dr. Tony Daniel, Chairman of the Floyd County Board of Education

Michael Altman, National Chairman and Founder of the Presidents Team to the speaker list please.

“It is looking very possible that Senator David Perdue and Congressman Barry Loudermilk will also speak, but it’s not confirmed at this time,” Mickey Tuck said. 



South Summerville Baptist

Casie Bryant is the NW Georgia Regional Manager for AllOnGeorgia.

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