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Superintendent Hosmer goes on the record regarding Bowman

Floyd County Police recently conducted a child sex sting, which resulted in several arrests, one of which was Jeremy Alan Bowman, 44 of Summerville, a second grade teacher for the Chattooga County Schools System at Lyerly Elementary School.

Georgia Auto Brokers

Since the arrest, Bowman has resigned from the Chattooga County School System.

From the Dec. 20  Chattooga County Board of Education called meeting minutes:

G. Personnel
1. Board consideration of Superintendent’s recommendation to approve the following
Personnel changes:
Certified Resignations
-Jeremy Bowman; Teacher at Lyerly Elementary School; Personal reasons; Effective
-A motion to approve G-1 was made by Mr. Montgomery with a second by Mr. Hall and the vote
was unanimous.

Bowman is charged with sexual exploitation of a child, obscene internet contact with a child and criminal attempt to commit a felony.

AllOnGeorgia reached out to Superintendent Hosmer for an update:

AOG: We are  requesting a copy of Mr. Bowman’s resignation letter as well a copy of the following employment information:
Hosmer: I’ll will get you this when we return on January 3rd when we return from break.

AOG: Did the school system ever receive any complaints regarding Mr. Bowman, was any disciplinary action taken?
Hosmer: Yes. In late October Mr. Shank(principal at Lyerly) received several complaints from parents concerning Mr. Bowman’s disciplinary interaction with students. We asked the Sheriff’s Department to investigate the complaints and Mr. Shank dealt with the teacher when the investigation was complete. The Sheriff’s Department took no action.

AOG: When did he begin teaching for the system? What school/grade? What all schools and grades did he teach during his time at Chattooga County Schools?
Hosmer: July 1, 2018 2018–2019 SMS (Special Education) 2019–2020 LES (READ 180/Special Education) 2020–2021 LES (Special Education) 2021-2022 LES (Second Grade)

AOG: What grades and subjects was he certified to teach? (Please provide teacher certification information— GACE, PSC)
Hosmer: You can view his certificate at this link


Mr. Jeremy  A.  Bowman 
PSC Account Number:  462480
Overall Ethics Status/Action:  None

Exceptional Children Course:  Yes
The educator’s certification level is level 6 effective 05/19/2008.
Fields in strikeout font with a dark grey background have expired. If all fields have expired, the certificate has expired.
Type Field First Issued Current Issued Beginning Validity End Validity
C CLEARANCE CERTIFICATE [FLD694] 03/29/2012 02/01/2017 07/01/2017 06/30/2022
The Clearance certificate is issued at the request of a the employing Georgia local unit of administration (LUA) to educators who satisfactorily complete fingerprint and background check requirements and do not have a certificate that is currently revoked or suspended in Georgia or any other state. All educators employed by a Georgia LUA must hold a Clearance certificate. There are no academic requirements necessary to qualify for this certificate. All holders of this certificate are subject to the Georgia Code of Ethics for Educators.
SRL EDUCATIONAL LEADERSHIP – TIER II [FLD710] 01/15/2016 02/01/2017 07/01/2017 06/30/2022
The Standard Professional leadership certificate indicates that all requirements for professional leadership certification have been met, including applicable Special Georgia Requirements. The Standard Professional leadership certificate is issued to Georgia educators completing GaPSC-approved educator preparation programs prior to September 30, 2009. It is also issued to educators who meet reciprocity requirements.
SRT EARTH/SPACE SCIENCE (6-12) [FLD753] 07/23/2010 02/01/2017 07/01/2017 06/30/2022
SRT ELEMENTARY EDUCATION (P-5) [FLD808] 10/22/2002 02/01/2017 07/01/2017 06/30/2022
SRT READING (P-12) [FLD732] 12/09/2007 02/01/2017 07/01/2017 06/30/2022
SRT SCIENCE (6-12) [FLD748] 07/23/2010 02/01/2017 07/01/2017 06/30/2022
SRT SP ED GENERAL CURRICULUM (P-12) CONSULTATIVE [FLD798] 08/25/2005 02/01/2017 07/01/2017 06/30/2022
SRT SP ED LANGUAGE ARTS COGNITIVE LEVEL (P-5, 4-8) [FLD931] 08/26/2005 02/01/2017 07/01/2017 06/30/2022
SRT SP ED MATH COGNITIVE LEVEL (P-5, 4-8) [FLD911] 02/27/2006 02/01/2017 07/01/2017 06/30/2022
SRT SP ED READING COGNITIVE LEVEL (P-5, 4-8, 6-12) [FLD952] 12/09/2007 02/01/2017 07/01/2017 06/30/2022
SRT SP ED SCIENCE COGNITIVE LEVEL (P-5, 4-8, 6-12) [FLD922] 07/23/2010 02/01/2017 07/01/2017 06/30/2022
SRT SP ED SOCIAL SCIENCE COGNITIVE LEVEL (P-5, 4-8) [FLD941] 08/26/2005 02/01/2017 07/01/2017 06/30/2022
The Standard Professional teaching certificate is a Georgia professional certificate issued to educators who have completed all requirements for professional certification in a teaching field and applicable Special Georgia Requirements, but have not met experience requirements for the Performance-Based Professional certificate or are not evaluated on the statewide evaluation system. Educators who are not evaluated on the statewide evaluation system are evaluated by a school, district, or agency approved evaluation system.
C CLEARANCE CERTIFICATE [FLD694] 03/29/2012 03/29/2012 07/01/2012 06/30/2017
SRT EARTH/SPACE SCIENCE (6-12) [FLD753] 07/23/2010 03/29/2012 07/01/2012 06/30/2017
T EARTH/SPACE SCIENCE (6-12) [FLD753] 07/23/2010 07/23/2010 07/01/2010 06/30/2012
SRL EDUCATIONAL LEADERSHIP (P-12) [FLD704] 04/22/2009 03/29/2012 07/01/2012 06/30/2017
L EDUCATIONAL LEADERSHIP (P-12) [FLD704] 04/22/2009 04/22/2009 07/31/2008 06/30/2012
SRL EDUCATIONAL LEADERSHIP – TIER II [FLD710] 01/15/2016 01/15/2016 07/01/2012 06/30/2017
SRT EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION (P-5) [FLD808] 10/22/2002 03/29/2012 07/01/2012 06/30/2017
T EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION (P-5) [FLD808] 10/22/2002 03/15/2007 07/01/2007 06/30/2012
T EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION (P-5) [FLD808] 10/22/2002 10/22/2002 10/03/2002 06/30/2007
SRT READING SPECIALIST (P-12) [FLD732] 12/09/2007 03/29/2012 07/01/2012 06/30/2017
T READING (P-12) [FLD732] 12/09/2007 12/09/2007 10/27/2007 06/30/2012
SRT SCIENCE (6-12) [FLD748] 07/23/2010 03/29/2012 07/01/2012 06/30/2017
T SCIENCE (6-12) [FLD748] 07/23/2010 07/23/2010 07/01/2010 06/30/2012
SRT SP ED GENERAL CURRICULUM (P-12) CONSULTATIVE [FLD798] 08/25/2005 03/29/2012 07/01/2012 06/30/2017
T SP ED GENERAL CURRICULUM (P-12) CONSULTATIVE [FLD798] 08/25/2005 03/15/2007 07/01/2007 06/30/2012
T SP ED GENERAL CURRICULUM (P-12) CONSULTATIVE [FLD798] 08/25/2005 08/25/2005 07/01/2005 06/30/2007
SRT SP ED LANGUAGE ARTS COGNITIVE LEVEL (P-5, 4-8) [FLD931] 08/26/2005 03/29/2012 07/01/2012 06/30/2017
T SP ED LANGUAGE ARTS COGNITIVE LEVEL (P-5, 4-8) [FLD931] 08/26/2005 03/15/2007 07/01/2007 06/30/2012
T SP ED LANGUAGE ARTS COGNITIVE LEVEL (P-5, 4-8) [FLD931] 08/26/2005 08/26/2005 08/15/2005 06/30/2007
T SP ED MATH COGNITIVE LEVEL (P-5) [FLD910] 08/26/2005 08/26/2005 08/15/2005 06/30/2007
SRT SP ED MATH COGNITIVE LEVEL (P-5, 4-8) [FLD911] 02/27/2006 03/29/2012 07/01/2012 06/30/2017
T SP ED MATH COGNITIVE LEVEL (P-5, 4-8) [FLD911] 02/27/2006 03/15/2007 07/01/2007 06/30/2012
T SP ED MATH COGNITIVE LEVEL (P-5, 4-8) [FLD911] 02/27/2006 02/27/2006 08/15/2005 06/30/2007
T SP ED READING COGNITIVE LEVEL (P-5) [FLD950] 08/26/2005 08/26/2005 08/15/2005 06/30/2007
SRT SP ED READING COGNITIVE LEVEL (P-5, 4-8, 6-12) [FLD952] 12/09/2007 03/29/2012 07/01/2012 06/30/2017
T SP ED READING COGNITIVE LEVEL (P-5, 4-8, 6-12) [FLD952] 12/09/2007 12/09/2007 10/27/2007 06/30/2012
T SP ED SCIENCE COGNITIVE LEVEL (P-5, 4-8) [FLD921] 08/26/2005 08/26/2005 08/15/2005 06/30/2007
SRT SP ED SCIENCE COGNITIVE LEVEL (P-5, 4-8, 6-12) [FLD922] 07/23/2010 03/29/2012 07/01/2012 06/30/2017
T SP ED SCIENCE COGNITIVE LEVEL (P-5, 4-8, 6-12) [FLD922] 07/23/2010 07/23/2010 07/01/2010 06/30/2012
SRT SP ED SOCIAL SCIENCE COGNITIVE LEVEL (P-5, 4-8) [FLD941] 08/26/2005 03/29/2012 07/01/2012 06/30/2017
T SP ED SOCIAL SCIENCE COGNITIVE LEVEL (P-5, 4-8) [FLD941] 08/26/2005 03/15/2007 07/01/2007 06/30/2012
T SP ED SOCIAL SCIENCE COGNITIVE LEVEL (P-5, 4-8) [FLD941] 08/26/2005 08/26/2005 08/15/2005 06/30/2007

AOG: Has the school system turned over his school computer?
Hosmer: No. No one has requested our assistance to date.

AOG: What will the replacement process be — are you looking for a long term sub or a new teacher?
Hosmer: We plan to transfer a veteran teacher to his position to start January 3rd.

AOG: Since he resigned are there any benefits still available to Mr. Bowman? (insurance, unemployment, paid leave, sick days etc.)
Hosmer; No. He is not eligible for benefits when he resigned.

AOG: When the students return in January will the system have counselors on hand?
Hosmer: Yes. We will have counselors available.

AOG: Do you foresee this turning into a school investigation as well?
Hosmer: Based on current information, no.

AOG: When were you made aware of Mr. Bowman’s arrest?
Hosmer: Saturday morning about 11:30 am

South Summerville Baptist
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