Walker County Tax Commissioner locations in Rock Spring and Fairview will be closed to the public several days in mid-January while the State of Georgia updates its motor vehicle registration system.
“We are having to close to the public because statewide there will be no ability to process tag and title transactions,” said Carolyn Walker, Walker County Tax Commissioner. The Rock Spring office (122 Highway 95) will close Wednesday, January 13th and reopen Tuesday, January 19th. The Fairview office (2012 McFarland Gap Road) has been closed since November 10th due to COVID-19 and will remain closed through the update.
Residents with a birthday in January are advised to renew tags early to avoid late fees or other potential problems, as the online portal for renewals will also be unavailable during this time period.
Georgia DRIVES was installed statewide in May 2019 to modernize the data input system for tags and titles, provide agencies with interconnectivity and improve the customer experience by expanding the ability for mobile, Internet and kiosk transactions. This is the first major update to the system.
While Georgia DRIVES is offline, staff in Walker County will focus on preparing the mobile home tax digest, tax sale filings and processing property tax payments.
Staff will also use the time to prepare the Tax Commissioner’s office in Fairview to reopen to the public on January 19th. The Fairview location serves residents in northern Walker County, including Rossville and Lookout Mountain.