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The Joy of The Journey: The Gift of Giving

The Joy of The Journey

The Gift of Giving


In a world that often feels overwhelming and filled with problems, there is one act that has the power to bring about positive change and make a lasting impact: being a giver. The apostle Paul said, in 2 Corinthians 9:7, Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”  No matter if it is giving time, money, or resources, the act of giving has the ability totransform lives, create true connections, and inspire others to do the same.  I was at the drive-through the other day, and someone paid for my meal. All they told the lady at the window was to tell me to pass it on. Giving doesn’t even have to be an expensive gift. The simple act of someone taking the time to be thoughtful and giving to another can transform someone’s perspective on life.

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One of the greatest powers of giving lies in its ability to make a difference in the lives of those in need. Whether it is donating to a charitableorganization, volunteering at a shelter, or simply lending a helping hand to a friend or neighbor, giving has the power to provide support and assistance to those who are struggling. When we give, we can change lives and bring about positive change in our world for Christ.


But the power of giving does not end there. Giving also has the power to create connections and strengthen relationships. When we give, we not only help those in need but also build a sense of community and foster a spirit of togetherness. Whether it is volunteering alongside others or donating to a common cause, giving allows us to come together with like-minded individuals who share our passion for making a difference for the kingdom of God. Through giving, we forge bonds and create a support network that can transcend borders and bring people from different walks of life together.


Our acts of giving can inspire others to do the same, creating a ripple effect that spreads far beyond ourselves. When others witness the impact of giving, they are more likely to be motivated to take action themselves, leading to a cycle of giving that has the potential to bring about widespread change.


True giving comes from a place of selflessness and compassion not from a need for personal gain or recognition. It is about putting the needs of others before our own and embracing the joy that comes from serving others. When we give without expecting anything in return, we show the true power of the gospel and unlock the full potential of the Holy Spirit to transform lives.


In conclusion, as we get ready to celebrate the Christmas holidays as believers in Christ, we must always remember that the power of giving lies in its ability to make a difference, create connections, inspire others, and bring joy and fulfillment to the giver. In a world that often feels divided and chaotic, giving can bring about real change and restore people’s faith in the love of Jesus. We are called to be the hands, feet, and voice of Christ’s love in this world; whether it is through donations, volunteering, or acts of kindness, let us embrace the power of giving and make a difference in the lives of others.  Not just during this Christmas season but all throughout our lives. Let’s develop a culture of giving in our lives.   After all, Jesus demonstrated the ultimate power of giving through the cross. He gave his life so that we might have life in this world and in the life after this one.


In Christ Love,


Pastor P.

South Summerville Baptist

Pastor Phil Minter began his ministry in 1989 as a freshman in college. He received his degree in theology and ministry in 1992. During his time in college and after graduation he traveled conducting revivals, youth camps, and conferences in many states and countries. He lived in Athens, Greece for a short time where he aided in the mission efforts throughout Europe. He returned to the United States where he continued to minister in the USA and Canada. In 1994 he would move back to Georgia and travel the state speaking at various events. Phil married Tina Flowers in 1996 where they began their pastoral ministry in Jesup, Georgia. In 1999 they moved to Trion, Georgia, where they presently pastor Harvest Worship Center. Pastor Phil has a lifetime commitment to Chattooga County and the surrounding areas. Pastor Phil still travels (although limited due to his pastoral commitments) to preach and teach; Revivals, Camps, and, Conferences. His heart is driven by the great commission of Matthew 28. Reaching souls for Christ is and will remain his primary focus!

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