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Ducky Derby Race and Jeep Cruise -In Scheduled As Part Of River Fest Activities Saturday


Summerville Main Street’s Ducky Derby will be held this Saturday, June 8 as part of the Chattooga River Fest activities. The American Jeep Club Project will have a Cruise-In on the East Washington Street Scape beginning at 10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. as part of the festivities. Jeeps are invited to come join the fun. The rubber duck race is set to run at 1:00 p.m. down Town Creek, with the Summerville Depot set as a race location.  Adopt a rubber duck for the race by purchasing an adoption ticket for a chance to win the Grand Prize of $500 sponsored by Summerville Main Street for the first duck to cross the finish line. The second place duck will be awarded $250, followed by the third place duck bringing home $100. Second and third place prizes are sponsored by American Roofing.

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How the duck race works is simple. When adopting a rubber duck, the purchaser will be given a numbered ticket. A rubber ducky is entered into the ducky race with the ticket number written on the bottom of the duck. Adopted duck owners do not have to be present for their rubber duck to win. Donations are $5.00 for one ticket, $25.00 for six tickets, $50.00 for 12 tickets, and $100 gets you 25 tickets. One ticket equals one rubber ducky. Tickets may be purchased locally until noon Friday, May 12 at the following businesses:  Tickets may also be purchased from Summerville Main Street Volunteers and at the Summerville City Hall through Friday at 4:00 p.m.  Tickets will also be sold on site at the Summerville Main Street booth at River Fest beginning at 10:00 a.m.

This Ducky Derby is sponsored by Summerville Main Street and American Roofing.

South Summerville Baptist
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