Trion High School senior Dawson Day has signed with Truett McConnell for a Golf Scholarship. Dawson has been playing golf ever since he was a little kid. He didn’t start taking golf seriously until his sophomore year. To get ready to compete, he started taking lessons down at the Lafayette Golf Course with Eddie Jackson. He has been working hard and staying on top of his game ever since.
Truett McConnell’s Golf Team won their conference, and has shown a great interest in Dawson. Their head golfing coach, Coach Patton, said Dawson has a good golf game and would most likely start as the one or two man on the team. They made arrangements for Dawson to tour the campus and even practice a little with Coach Patton. “I’ve thought about attending Truett for a while. After going to tour the campus, it sealed the deal and I’ve been set to go there since then,” tells Dawson about his plans with Truett.
At Dawson’s signing he was supported by his family and Bulldog golf team and coaches as he signed with Truett. Along with his four year scholarship with Truett, he is receiving three other scholarships.
Dawson is not slowing his golf game down now just because he has signed with Truett McConnell. He has big plans with Trion’s Golf Team and will participate in State on May 16th.
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