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FCAA Executive Committee votes unanimously to uphold the forfeiture for Chattooga

After hearing the situation and reviewing the email exchange, the decision was unanimous (5-0 vote) in upholding the decision to follow GHSA guidelines that state “during playoffs, if a team has to quarantine, then their season is considered over and must forfeit”.

The FCAA Executive Committee met today to review the appeal from Chattooga regarding the forfeiture of the championship game due to quarantined students. After hearing the situation and reviewing the email exchange, the decision was unanimous (5-0 vote) in upholding the decision to follow GHSA guidelines that state “during playoffs, if a team has to quarantine, then their season is considered over and must forfeit”.

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Voting in the Executive Committee were:
Chris Eberhart, Darlington–voted to uphold the GHSA guidelines Jill Thacker, Model– voted to uphold the GHSA guidelines
Chad Moore, Armuchee– voted to uphold the GHSA guidelines Joseph Pethel, Coosa– voted to uphold the GHSA guidelines Becky McCoy, Pepperell– voted to uphold the GHSA guidelines

Background on the decision:

Chattooga County Schools provided the following emails as part of an open records request regarding the championship game.


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Casie Bryant is the NW Georgia Regional Manager for AllOnGeorgia.

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