For the last decade the Foster Twins have been dominating the gridiron as a dynamic duo known simply as “The Twins”. From their years of rec league football with several undefeated seasons as a quarterback/ running back tandem running an unstoppable triple option offense, The Twins have become synonymous with Chattooga and football. With a highly successful football career laid out behind them the Twins, now Seniors are posed to finish strong and take the next step.
Along with an enviable combination of good looks, book smarts, and physical prowess Isaac and Isaiah Foster both are well-mannered Christian gentlemen. The Twins both possess an incredible work ethic and their drive to be the best is unquestioned. Like last season most of the Indians offensive production this fall will come on the arms and legs of the Foster Twins.
As juniors the Foster Twins season stats were Isaiah #2 (the running back) ended up leading the Indians with 1,566 rushing yards on 270 carries, 21 touchdowns and six two-point conversions, while averaging 5.8 yards a carry. Isaac: #14 (the quarterback) ran for 1,149 yards on 179 carries, eight touchdowns averaging 6.4 yards a carry while also picking up over 610 yards in the air and five additional touchdowns.
The Twins both carry over a 3.8 GPA and are being heavily recruited by several colleges.
Isaac and Isaiah are the sons of Melvin “Tuffy” Foster and Tiffany Lawerence.
The Twins answered some questions to help us get to know them better.
All On Georgia: What inspires you to play football?
Isaac: “I’m a really competitive guy, and football is a very competitive sport. That’s a major thing that inspires me to play football. Another thing that inspires me, are my parents have always pushed me to be the best at anything I do, and football is my best sport so I feel like it is easier for me to excel in and be the best.
Isaiah: I guess you could say “winning” inspires me, the feeling I get from winning is indescribable.
All On Georgia: What are your interests and hobbies outside of football?
Isaac: I love playing video games, I’m learning how to play the piano and I like camping.
Isaiah: I like to swim, play the guitar and playing video games
All On Georgia: What are three words that describe you.
Isaac: Three words that describe me… competitive, athletic and friendly.
Isaiah: athletic, friendly, humble
All On Georgia: What advice would you give to a rec football player?
Isaac: Always work hard no matter what. You might not always be the most talented on the field and sometimes you can’t control that but one thing you can control is how much effort you give. Always give 100% effort and you will succeed….but most importantly you have to put God first.
Isaiah: always keep your eyes on Christ, and allow him to help keep you focused on your dreams. There will be many obstacles in life just like the game of sports but learn from those obstacles and you will achieve your goals.
All On Georgia: What are your goals for this season?
Isaac: Goals. My personal goal I have for this season is to do better than I did last year. My team goals for this season are to come in first in the region and of course win the state championship.
Isaiah: The main goal is to get past the first round of state playoffs.
All On Georgia: Do you have any pre-game rituals?
Isaac: I don’t really have a pre-game ritual. I just always pray before the game.
Isaiah: I always tape up my wrist and on the right one I write “RIP POP” before every game.
All On Georgia: What would be your perfect pre-game meal?
Isaac: My idea of the perfect pre-game meal would be spaghetti, corn, and a garlic roll…with sweet tea!
Isaiah: Steak, baked potato, fried rice, and macaroni and cheese.