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Trion Recreation Department Fall Sports Information.

The Trion Recreation Department has released information about sign-ups for football, soccer, volleyball and cheerleading. Sign-ups will start this Saturday, July 13 and go through Saturday, August 3.  For all sports, a copy of the child’s birth certificate must be on file with the Trion Recreation Department.

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The Trion Recreation Department will conduct Co-Ed Soccer Registration beginning Saturday, July 13th through Saturday, August 3rd . Age groups offered are 4&5, 6&7, 8&9,10&11 and 12&13. These youngsters will participate in the Chattooga County and North Ga. Soccer Leagues. Participation fees are $25 for county residents and no cost for those who reside in the Trion City limits.
Age control date is January 1st. This means that the potential participant must be 4 years of age before January 1st. 2020 and no older than 13 before January 1, 2020. No exceptions.
A copy of the child’s birth certificate is required upon registration if there is not one on file at the Trion Recreation Department.

The Trion Recreation Department will be conducting Football and Cheerleading registration for the 2019 season beginning Saturday, July 13th through Saturday, August 3rd . Individual age groups in the North Ga. Youth Football League are as follows: 5&6 year olds—7-Under—8-Under—9-Under and 10-under and 11&12 year olds. Cost of participation in football is $25 for County residents. A $50 uniform deposit is requiredwhen football equipment is distributed.  Cost of participation in cheerleading is “cost of uniform”.  Age control date is May 1st. This means that the potential participant must be 5 years of age before May 1st and no older than 12 before May 1st, 2019. Age control date is for both Football and Cheerleading. No exceptions.
A copy of the child’s birth certificate is required upon registration if there is not one on file at the Trion Recreation Department.


The Trion Recreation Department will conduct Girls Volleyball Registration beginning Saturday, July 13th through Saturday, August 3rd . Age groups offered are 10 & Under, 12 & Under and 14 & Under. These girls will participate in the North Ga. Volleyball League. Participation fees are $25 for county residents and no cost for those who reside in the Trion City limits.
Age control date is September 1st. This means that the potential participant must be 9 years of age before September 1st. 2019 and no older than 14 before September 1st , 2019. No exceptions.
A copy of the child’s birth certificate is required upon registration if there is not one on file at the Trion Recreation Department.

Please call the Trion Recreation Department at 706-734-2011 with any questions.

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