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Georgia Awarded Gold Shovel for Jobs and Investment

Governor Brian P. Kemp announced this week that Georgia has been awarded a Gold Shovel by Area Development Magazine for generating the most jobs and investment in the United States for the eight to twelve million population category.

Pro Roof GA

Area Development’s annual Gold and Silver Shovel Awards give recognition to state and local economic development agencies which leverage innovative policies, workforce development, and logistics hubs to drive investment and job creation. All states were invited to submit information to Area Development on major groundbreakings, investments, and business expansions occurring in 2018.

“We are honored to receive the Gold Shovel in recognition of Georgia’s top-notch business environment, which creates immeasurable growth, investment, and opportunity in every corner of our state,” said Governor Kemp. “Our unmatched workforce, world-renowned logistics, and pro-business climate make the Peach State an ideal location for business investment. I want to thank our state’s economic development team and local officials for their efforts to secure this honor for Georgians.”


  • Texas (12+ Million Population)
  • Georgia (8 to 12 Million Population)
  • Virginia (8 to 12 Million Population)
  • Arizona (5 to 8 Million Population)
  • Alabama (3 to 5 Million Population )
  • Mississippi (Under 3 Million Population)

“This Gold Shovel is a testament to our state’s commitment to cultivating and building on the business environment that has made us the No. 1 state for business,” said Georgia Department of Economic Development Commissioner Pat Wilson. “Congratulations to Governor Kemp, our state economic development team, and all of our economic development partners across the state on this well-deserved recognition.”

According to AreaDevelopment, only a handful of 2018 projects entered 10-figure dollar territory. Not surprisingly, a lot of them involved petrochemicals, a sector where it’s tough to do much that’s substantial for less than a billion dollars.

A report on the 2019 Gold and Silver Shovel Award Winners is published in the Q2/2019 issue of Area Development online at

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