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Georgia DPH: Say “Yes” Summer Events to Get More Georgians Vaccinated

From Georgia Dept of Health:

In an urgent effort to stop the spread of COVID-19 and its Delta variant, the Georgia Department of Public Health (DPH) is hosting a series of pop-up events to get more Georgians vaccinated. The Say “YES” Summer events will offer walk-up vaccinations that are free and do not require appointments, insurance, or identification.

Say “YES” Summer events will attract the attention of foot traffic in popular public places with live installations by local artists and art organizations, offering education, conversation, and on-site vaccination. This national-to-local collaboration between DPH, local artists and art organizations, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), David J. Sencer CDC Museum, South Arts, Home Depot, and Community Organized Relief Effort (CORE) will begin August 14 in pilot locations in Savannah, Athens, and Atlanta before expanding to other areas of the state.

Local artists and art organizations will headline events to engage the public in COVID vaccine awareness through art, music, color, and culture. Each experience will feature live, interactive installations in varying mediums, ranging from performance to visual arts. DPH will unveil a participatory art installation, the “I Said ‘YES’ to COVID-19 Vaccine Because…” community mural for residents to write their own reasons for receiving a COVID-19 vaccine and inspire others to do the same. Responses will be shared by DPH and partner organizations.

CORE and DPH District Health Department vaccination teams will operate on-site mobile vaccination clinics to provide educational materials and vaccinations.

DPH believes the collaboration between the Georgia arts and science communities will both inspire and inform Georgians of the importance of COVID vaccines for all aspects of life. “COVID vaccination has never been more important than it is right now,” said Kathleen E. Toomey, M.D., M.P.H., DPH commissioner. “These events provide easy access to vaccination – even make it fun and entertaining – in non-traditional, but convenient settings.”

Say “YES” Summer events begin Saturday, August 14 in Savannah at the Forsyth Farmers’ Market in the morning, and outside Grayson Stadium during the Savannah Bananas game against the Macon Bacon in the evening. The conversation continues in Athens on Friday, August 20 and Saturday, August 21 during the Twilight Criterium Festival following a two-day, co-hosted vaccine event at Tate Student Center at the University of Georgia. Pilot events will culminate in Atlanta at the Georgia Aquarium on Saturday, August 28 and Sunday, August 29.

For details and updates, please visit and follow DPH on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram. Follow Say “YES” Summer throughout the state with #SayYESSummer.

For information about COVID vaccines, visit

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