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Ga Agencies to Receive Portion of $62 Million to Support Health, Safety of Police Officers

“Bulletproof vests, body-worn cameras, health and safety research—these resources will provide officers the training, equipment and strategies needed to enable them to do their jobs effectively and keep them safe from harm.”

The Department of Justice’s Office of Justice Programs announced Tuesday it has awarded funding totaling over $62 million to provide services designed to protect officers and improve overall public safety. OJP’s Bureau of Justice Assistance and National Institute of Justice awarded grants to law enforcement departments, local jurisdictions, and training, technical assistance and research organizations throughout the United States.

Georgia agencies will get a portion of those funds.

  • City of Hinesville $18,000 for Body-worn cameras
  • City of Hazlehurst $26,000 for body-worn cameras
  • Georgia Tech Research Corporation $41,199 for body-worn cameras
  • Georgia City of Atlanta $2,000,000 for body-worn cameras
  • Georgia Criminal Justice Coordinating Council $500,000 for Implementation or Expansion of BWC Programs Through State or Regional Consortia

Another $2.5 million will go to the CNA Corporation to provide interactive training and technical assistance to law enforcement agencies using body-worn cameras.

“The Office of Justice Programs stands proudly with the Attorney General and the President in our commitment to the 700,000 sworn law enforcement professionals who selflessly put their lives on the line to keep us all safe,” said OJP’s Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General Katharine T. Sullivan. “Bulletproof vests, body-worn cameras, health and safety research—these resources will provide officers the training, equipment and strategies needed to enable them to do their jobs effectively and keep them safe from harm.”

The FBI’s official crime data for 2019 reflects a decrease in the number of law enforcement officers feloniously killed between 2018 and 2019 (43 killed through September 2018 and 32 killed as of Sept. 30, 2019). There was also a slight decrease in the number of law enforcement officers reported accidentally killed in 2019 (29) as compared to the same reporting period in 2018 (33).

Still, there were almost 60,000 assaults against officers in 2018, according to the latest data available from the FBI.

Nearly $23 million will support the training and implementation of law enforcement agencies’ body-worn camera programs. Another $21 million will reimburse jurisdictions for up to 50 percent of the cost of body armor vests, while over $14.8 million will support law enforcement safety and wellness programs, research and services.

In addition, over $3 million is allocated for research and evaluation of safety, health and wellness priorities. These investments include the development of ballistic vests, studies of in-vehicle safety and the evaluation of less-lethal technologies to increase police and public safety.

A full list of the awards, organized under specific grant programs and listed awardees by state, is available below.


The Office of Justice Programs, directed by Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General Katharine T. Sullivan, provides federal leadership, grants, training, technical assistance and other resources to improve the nation’s capacity to prevent and reduce crime, assist victims and enhance the rule of law by strengthening the criminal and juvenile justice systems.

Photo: Ryan JohnsonLicense



  1. happy wheels

    January 3, 2020 at 7:20 am

    Still, there were almost 60,000 assaults against officers in 2018, according to the latest data available from the FBI.

  2. suka chu

    February 14, 2020 at 9:24 pm

    thank you

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