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Georgia Council on Literacy Publishes Yearly Report

Pursuant to SB 211, the Georgia Council on Literacy is required to: “Review the conditions, needs, issues, and problems related to state literacy outcomes; make recommendations for legislation and appropriations to support improving such outcomes; and provide by November 30 of each year a report of such review and recommendations to the Governor, the office of Planning and Budget, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, and the President of the Senate.” See the report below.

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Georgia Literacy Council Report_Nov 2023_Final

 About the Georgia Council on Literacy

Senate Bill 211 was introduced by Senator Billy Hickman (4th) during the 2023 Session of the Georgia General Assembly. This legislation unanimously passed both the House and Senate. Representative Bethany Ballard (147th) was the House Sponsor. Governor Kemp signed the bill into law on April 13, 2023, and the Act became effective on July 1, 2023

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