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Kemp Announces $113 Million in CARES Act Funding to Support Georgia Nursing Homes

Governor Brian Kemp announced Friday that $113 million in CARES Act Coronavirus Relief funds would be available to Georgia nursing homes and long-term care facilities for increased state-supported staffing and COVID-19 response, including $78 million in additional funding for nursing home staff testing.

Governor Brian Kemp announced Friday that $113 million in CARES Act Coronavirus Relief funds would be available to Georgia nursing homes and long-term care facilities for increased state-supported staffing and COVID-19 response, including $78 million in additional funding for nursing home staff testing.

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“My top priority from the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic has been to ensure the health and safety of our most vulnerable citizens,” said Governor Kemp. “Early on, Georgia was among the first states in the nation to deploy National Guard personnel to conduct infection control missions in long term care facilities, with over 1,000 visits completed. The state also supplied tens of thousands of testing materials, sent additional staffing to facilities in need, provided infection control equipment, and shipped critical PPE items across the state.

“To protect the lives of these vulnerable Georgians against COVID-19, we have spared no expense. The $113 million in Coronavirus relief funds we are announcing today will make $78 million available to nursing homes to meet current federal testing requirements. In addition to the $36 million the state has provided to nursing homes and long term care facilities in staff augmentation since April, the state is also committing up to an additional $35 million in staffing support through the end of 2020 to ensure facilities have the personnel necessary to safely provide care to their residents. I greatly appreciate the Trump Administration and our congressional delegation for securing CARES Act funding for the states and allowing governors flexibility in allocating these critical dollars.

“As Georgia continues to see cases, current hospitalizations, deaths, and test positivity rates all decline, we must remain vigilant. This funding will prioritize the health, safety, and quality of life of our state’s most vulnerable citizens, and allow our state to continue moving in the right direction in our fight against COVID-19.”

The announcement augments over $36 million in staff support to 115 skilled nursing facilities since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic.

1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. Brenda

    October 4, 2020 at 12:55 pm

    Can a Group Home for the DD client apply for this funding?

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