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Kemp Renews COVID-19 Restrictions

“This order also protects Georgia businesses from government overreach by restricting the application and enforcement of local masking requirements to public property. While I support local control, it must be properly balanced with property rights and personal freedoms.”

Pro Roof GA

Governor Brian Kemp issued Executive Order along with the following statement:

“In late July, I asked Georgians to do ‘Four Things for Four Weeks’ to stop COVID-19. Without a mandate, our citizens answered the call, and we are making progress.

“In Georgia, our statewide case numbers have dropped 22% over the last two weeks, and daily hospitalizations have decreased by 7% in the last seven days. We are on average testing over 31,000 Georgians daily at 180 SPOCs while maintaining a low rate of transmission. The positivity rate is on the decline, and the mortality rate continues to fall.

“While encouraged by the data, we cannot grow complacent. This Executive Order extends the shelter in place order for the medically fragile, continues the ban on large gatherings, and maintains health and safety protocols for Georgia businesses.

“This order also protects Georgia businesses from government overreach by restricting the application and enforcement of local masking requirements to public property. While I support local control, it must be properly balanced with property rights and personal freedoms.

“As always, we encourage citizens to wear masks, watch their distance, wash hands, and continue to follow the guidance provided in the Executive Order. Together, we will protect the lives, livelihoods, and personal freedoms of all Georgians.”

Highlights, including some that were continued from previous Orders:

  • Gatherings still limited to 50 people;
  • Medically fragile persons still ordered to shelter in place;
  • Local governments MAY implement mask mandates on public property only.
  • Masks are otherwise strongly encouraged except when eating, drinking, or exercising while outdoors;
  • Visitation is still strictly prohibited at nursing homes and long-term care facilities;
  • Requires masks for restaurant and dining employees;
  • Any establishment scheduled to have a food inspection by DPH between May 10 and September 10, but had an A Score on the last report may be extended by 120 days;
  • Requires gyms to limit use of cardio machines to “every other machine” and limit group classes to those in which 10 feet of social distancing can be maintained;
  • Hair dressers are limited to 50% capacity;
  • Leaves local school boards in charge of precautions, procedures, and mask mandates;
  • Allows school, tech school, college, and university employees to be required by administration to wear masks;
  • Prohibits use of the Executive Order to fail to adhere to custodial agreements between parents;
  • Allows law enforcement to close a business after issuing two citations to any business not in compliance with the Executive Order until the EO expires entirely (even if renewed).

This Executive Order is in place through August 31.

The latest executive order is 49 pages. You can read it here. read it here. 

Jessica Szilagyi is a former Statewide Contributor for




    August 15, 2020 at 9:29 pm


  2. Linda Hughes

    August 15, 2020 at 10:09 pm

    Every day you prevent family from visiting our seniors and disabled in long term care you bring them closer to death. Isolation from everyone who matters to them is no life. The virus continues to get in via staff, the lockdown is extended, and they give up hope. They just don’t want to live without people who love them. Nobody does. Please allow essential family caregivers in GA.

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