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Marsy’s Law for Georgia Partners with Prosecutors to Create a Statewide Crime Victims’ Rights Notification Card

The card outlines victims’ rights under the Georgia Constitution and the Georgia Crime Victims Bill of Rights.

On October 1, Marsy’s Law for Georgia, which gives crime victims equal rights under the state’s Constitution, in partnership with the Prosecuting Attorneys’ Council of Georgia (PAC), will launch a state-wide notification card designed to help ensure that crime victims are fully aware of their rights.

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The enactment of Georgia’s Crime Victims Bill of Rights in 1995 provides crime victims with statutory rights under Georgia law. Since that time, crime victims’ advocates have been diligent in their quest to ensure all victims are informed of their rights and that they are treated with dignity and respect as they navigate through the complexities of the criminal justice system.

“It’s been almost two years since Marsy’s Law was passed. Since implementation, we have been looking for new and innovative ways to educate Georgians about crime victims’ rights and the resources available to them,” said Erinn Mahathey, National Outreach Director for Marsy’s Law for All. “After recognizing that Georgia does not have a state-wide platform that details victims’ rights, we decided to partner with PAC to create one comprehensive card for all law enforcement and victims’ rights advocate groups to customize and use.”

Designed by PAC, the printable notification card outlines victims’ rights under the Georgia Constitution and the Georgia Crime Victims Bill of Rights. It also makes it possible for organizations to include local victims’ assistance agencies and resource providers to further assist victims of crime. This card will be made available to prosecutors, law enforcement and other criminal justice agencies, victims’ advocates and community organizations to help educate crime victims on their rights. The card will be downloadable and can be accessed at

In addition to the launch of the card, PAC will host a live webinar on October 1 featuring three panelists who will discuss the card and explain how Georgia advocates are working diligently to expand their ability to connect with and support crime victims. To register for the event, click here.

“We have partnered with Marsy’s Law for Georgia to create a notification card because we saw the need for a state-wide resource that outlines crime victims’ rights,” said Peter J. Skandalakis, PAC Executive Director. “We are excited to see the card be accessed and distributed to those in need and hope it will help crime victims better understand their rights in the judicial process.” 

“I want to applaud the Prosecuting Attorney’s Council of Georgia and Marsy’s Law for Georgia for creating this Victim’s Rights Notification Card,” said First Lady Marty Kemp. “This is an important step forward that will help all Georgians, especially those who are survivors of human trafficking, domestic abuse, and other crimes, know and understand the rights that they have under the law.”
This is a press release.
About Marsy’s Law for Georgia 
In 2018, Marsy’s Law amended the Georgia State Constitution to include a Bill of Rights for victims of violent crimes during criminal proceedings. The constitutional amendment received broad support and assures rights for victims, including standing to petition a court if they feel that their rights have been violated. Georgia is one of the numerous states across the country that have added Marsy’s Law to their constitutions in recent years. To learn more about Marsy’s Law Georgia, visit Victims and supporters interested in sharing their stories can email

About Marsy’s Law

Marsy’s Law is named after Marsalee “Marsy” Nicholas of California who was stalked and killed by her ex-boyfriend in 1983. Only one week after her death, Marsy’s mother walked into a grocery store where she was confronted by the accused murderer. The family, who had just come from a visit to Marsy’s grave, was unaware that the accused had been released on bail. In an effort to honor his sister, Dr. Nicholas has made it his life’s mission to give victims and their family’s constitutional protections and equal rights. Since California’s passage of the Victim’s Bill of Rights Act of 2008, Marsy’s Law legislation has been overwhelmingly approved by voters in Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Kentucky, Nevada, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma and South Dakota. 

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