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Abrams Voting Initiative to Move into 20 States for 2020

Spearheaded by Stacey Abrams, Fair Fight 2020 is a comprehensive initiative by Fair Fight PAC to staff, fund, and train voter protection teams in battleground states across America.

Spearheaded by Stacey Abrams, Fair Fight 2020 is a comprehensive initiative by Fair Fight PAC to staff, fund, and train voter protection teams in battleground states across America.

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From Fair Fight:

This unprecedented, multi-million-dollar, 20-state program will partner with state Democratic parties and allies to develop voter protection infrastructure early, before a nominee is chosen.

The program will either directly fund, or assist in raising the funds for, robust voter protection operations, which will be run by Democratic state parties and allies. Fair Fight staff will provide ongoing support to these operations.

Each state’s voter protection teams will start early spend the next yearensuring that all eligible Americans can register, vote, and have their votes counted.

With the gutting of the Voting Rights Act, the scourge of voter suppression measures, and foreign election interference, protecting the right to vote is more important than ever.

Democratic Party of Georgia Chairwoman Nikema Williams issued the following statement following the announcement by Abrams on Fair Fight 2020:

“Stacey Abrams’ vision for our democracy and commitment to fair elections makes her a leader not just in Georgia, but across the nation. With today’s announcement, she is once again setting the example for how Democrats everywhere can walk the walk and truly put voters at the center of our democracy. 

“Georgia Democrats know firsthand that Stacey Abrams will always put voters first. We were proud to partner with her in 2018 in the fight to protect our elections and serve Georgians, regardless of party, through our voter protection program. When our then-Secretary of State notoriously gamed Georgia’s election system for himself, Stacey fought for every vote to be counted and every voice to be heard. Now, thanks to Stacey, voters across the country will benefit from voter protection programs like Georgia’s, and can have confidence that their votes will count.” 

The Democratic Party of Georgia was the first state party in the nation to hire a full-time voter protection director, and in 2018, created a groundbreaking voter protection program that received calls from over 80,000 Georgia voters.


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