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Georgia House Passes Bill to Allow at Least 1 Visitor in Medical Facilities

The Georgia House of Representatives yesterday passed House Bill 290, a bill that would allow a patient in a hospital or long-term care center to name a designated legal representative or caregiver that would have access to the patient each day. The bill passed by a 113-57 vote and will now move to the Senate for more debate.

Pro Roof GA

The First Reader Summary: A BILL to be entitled an Act to amend Article 1 of Chapter 7 of Title 31 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated, relating to regulation of hospitals and related institutions, so as to prohibit hospitals and nursing homes from instituting any policy during a declared public health emergency that limits patients’ abilities to be visited by designated family members or friends as a condition precedent to obtaining or maintaining a permit to operate a hospital or nursing home; to provide for reasonable safety precautions; to provide for limited liability; to provide for related matters; to provide for a short title; to repeal conflicting laws; and for other purposes.

House Bill 290 03082021


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