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Pence Stumps for Kemp in Dalton: “This ain’t Hollywood. This is Georgia.”

Vice President Mike Pence stumped for Republican gubernatorial candidate Brian Kemp at the North Georgia Rally Thursday.

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Vice President Mike Pence stumped for Republican gubernatorial candidate Brian Kemp at the North Georgia Rally Thursday.

A number of elected officials at the local and state levels were also in attendance. State Representative Jason Ridley welcomed the crowd of roughly 1,200 supporters. Micah Gravely offered an opening prayer and Agriculture Commissioner Gary Black led the crowd in the National Anthem. Candidate for Lt. Governor Geoff Duncan, PSC Candidate Tricia Pridemore, Attorney General Chris Carr, Vick Reynolds, House Speaker David Ralston, the Republican Party Chairman John Watson, Congressman Tom Graves and U.S. Senators Johnny Isakson and David Perdue addressed the crowd. Governor Nathan Deal was on hand to introduce Brian Kemp.

“It was the strongest show of Republican support that I have ever seen, not only from elected officials but also from the voters of North Georgia,” said Representative Ridley.

The crowd began gathering at 6 a.m., hours before the event start time of 11:30 a.m.

Kemp took the stage with his wife, Marty, and their three daughters. Kemp thanked his family, Vice President Mike Pence and President Donald Trump on their “unwavering support”.

“As governor, I’ll invest in public education and give our teachers a raise. We will cut taxes, like last year, and lower healthcare premiums. And I will fight hard to always protect the HOPE scholarship and keep our kids safe at school,” said Kemp.

He ended his short speech by urging Republicans to rally their friends, neighbors and relatives to the polls.

“This is the fourth quarter. I need you to show up like the Dawgs did in Jacksonville last weekend,” said Kemp.

Kemp introduced Vice President Mike Pence.

Pence addressed the crowd for just under thirty minutes, telling Kemp supporters he was happy to be back in Georgia in support of Brian Kemp for Governor and also letting the crowd in on a little secret, it was also Kemp’s birthday. The crowd responded to the news by singing Happy Birthday.

Vice President Mike Pence said a vote for Brian Kemp is a show of support for President Donald Trump. This was Pence’s second trip to Georgia to stump for Kemp. He headlined a rally in Macon in July before the runoff.

Pence spent a good portion of time talking about the accomplishments of President Trump. “It’s been two years of action. It’s been two years of results,” said Pence. “It’s been two years of promises made and promises kept. And we’re just getting started, Georgia. That’s why we need Brian Kemp in the governor’s office.”

“Y’all have a choice to make. The people in Georgia in just a few days are going to face a choice and it could not be more distinct…the choice between Brian Kemp and Stacey Abrams couldn’t be more stark. Brain Kemp is going to cut your taxes after he becomes Governor, Stacey Abrams says she’s going to raise your taxes by more than $300 million dollars. Brian Kemp is going to cut regulation, get government off your back. Stacy Abrams is going to make Georgia’s government bigger than ever before,” said Pence.

Pence claimed Kemp’s opponent Stacey Abrams is “bankrolled by Hollywood liberals,” he continued by saying “I heard Oprah is in town today and I heard Will Ferrell was going door-to-door the other day.”

“I’d like to remind Stacey and Oprah and Will Ferrell, I’m kind of a big deal, too,” said Pence. “And I’ve got a message for all of Stacey Abrams’ liberal Hollywood friends: This ain’t Hollywood. This is Georgia. And Georgia wants a governor that’s going to put Georgia values and Georgia first. And Brian Kemp is going to do just that.”

“Brian Kemp basically is Georgia. He embodies Georgia values,” said Pence.

Dalton was the first of three Georgia stops for Pence, followed by rallies in Grovetown and Savannah.


Casie Bryant is the NW Georgia Regional Manager for AllOnGeorgia.

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