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Rep. Jordan Ridley Introduces Legislation to Support State Defense Force Members

Pro Roof GA

State Representative Jordan Ridley (R-Woodstock) recently introduced legislation that seeks to support members of the State Defense Force. House Bill 879 would set a per diem compensation for members of the State Defense Force, and House Bill 898 would provide an income tax deduction for members of the State Defense Force.

“House Bills 879 and 898 would provide a two-prong approach to helping take care of our valuable State Defense Force members,” said Rep. Ridley. “These are common-sense solutions to support our hard-working and much-deserving State Defense Force members who work to ensure the welfare and safety of all Georgians. I urge my fellow colleagues to favorably consider HB 879 and HB 898 and look forward to seeing these bills make their way through the legislative process this session.”

Specifically, HB 879 would require per diem pay of no less than $25.00 a day for every day of eligible service performed by State Defense Force members. Under this bill, eligible services would include when members and units of the State Defense Force assemble for drill or other equivalent training, instruction or duties during each year, as well as participating in field training, encampments, maneuvers, schools, conferences, civic engagement or other duties required of members of the State Defense Force to further the mission of such an organization.

HB 898 would provide an income tax deduction of $2,500.00 for State Defense Force members in good standing. This proposed legislation aims to grant a tax exemption to individuals who have dedicated their entire taxable year to serving in the State Defense Force. To qualify, a taxpaying member must have received certification from their unit commander, affirming their good standing as a State Defense Force member throughout the entire taxable year. The tax exemption would amount to $2,500 and eligible taxpayers can claim this deduction on their Georgia taxable income when filing their annual return.

Currently, State Defense Force members do not receive per diem or a tax deduction on their Georgia taxable income when filing their annual return.

The Georgia State Defense Force is a legally constituted element of the Georgia Department of Defense, serving in support of the national and state constitutions under direction of the governor and the Adjutant General of Georgia. Their mission, when ordered by the adjutant general, is to provide an organized, trained, disciplined, rapid response volunteer force to assist state and local government agencies and civil relief organizations in impending or actual emergencies.

First Reader Summary HB 879
A BILL to be entitled an Act to amend Part 3 of Article 1 of Chapter 2 of Title 38 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated, relating to the State Defense Force, so as to require per diem pay of no less than $25.00 a day for every day of eligible service performed; to provide for a definition; to provide for related matters; to repeal conflicting laws; and for other purposes.

For more information on HB 879, please click here.

First Reader Summary HB 898
A BILL to be entitled an Act to amend Article 2 of Chapter 7 of Title 48 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated, relating to imposition, rate, computation, exemptions, and credits, so as to provide an income tax deduction for members of the State Defense Force in good standing; to provide for the amount of such deduction; to provide for the manner of claiming such deduction; to provide for rules and regulations; to provide for related matters; to provide an effective date and applicability; to repeal conflicting laws; and for other purposes.

For more information on HB 898, please click here.

Representative Jordan Ridley represents the citizens of District 22, which includes portions of Cherokee and Cobb counties. He was elected to the House of Representatives in 2022 and currently serves as the Secretary of the Energy, Utilities & Telecommunications Committee. He also serves on the Code Revision and Public Safety and Homeland Security committees.

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