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Speaker Jon Burns Issues Statement on the Passage of Legislation Amending the Prosecuting Attorneys Qualifications Commission

Pro Roof GA

Today, Speaker of the House Jon Burns issued the following statement in response to the passage of House Bill 881:

“Today, the House passed HB 881 to hold District Attorneys and Solicitors General across Georgia accountable. Georgians deserve District Attorneys who are focused on upholding their oath of office, prosecuting criminals, and doing their job to keep our communities safe—and I am confident that the Prosecuting Attorneys Qualifications Commission will ensure that happens. I look forward to the Senate acting quickly on this important legislation and delivering it to Governor Kemp to sign into law.”

First Reader Summary HB881 – A BILL to be entitled an Act to amend Code Section 15-18-32 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated, relating to Prosecuting Attorneys Qualifications Commission, authority, membership, ex parte communications, governance, disciplinary actions, confidentiality, and privileged nature; to provide for related matters; to provide an effective date; to repeal conflicting laws; and for other purposes.

See more on House Bill 881

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