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INSIDER: Ricky Jarriel – Candidate for Tattnall County Commission

Ricky Jarriel is running for County Commission in Tattnall County. Learn more about him and why he’s running here –>

Due to the social distancing guidelines, we have converted our traditional AllOnGeorgia candidate video interviews into short questionnaires. Each candidate in the race was provided an identical questionnaire with the same deadline. (Questionnaires were emailed to the email address listed on the qualifying paperwork) Candidates were told their answers would be blank in the event that they did not respond. Answers were not edited in any way.

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The Primary Election was moved to June 9th.
Early voting begins May 18th.
To sign up to volunteer as a poll worker, click here.

Ricky Jarriel is running for Tattnall County Commission in District 1. His opponents are Sherry Kelley and Chris Medlock, who did not return questionnaires.

Please provide a brief bio on yourself.

I have lived in Tattnall County for 30 years. I am married to Diane Braddy Jarriel and we have lived in Collins for 26 years. We have 5 Children and 10 Grandchildren. I am retired from Canoochee EMC after 24yrs as a lineman.

What are 3 strengths of which the county can be proud?

Small town with a Big Heart, Growth with New Business & Friendly Honest Folk

What are 3 needs that must be priorities for Tattnall County to address?

Spending, Taxes and Dirt Roads

An individual commissioner has no authority; only the board as a whole can make decisions for the district. What skills or traits will allow you to contribute to effective operations of the board as a whole and how do you overcome disagreement?

As a deacon and brotherhood leader at PineGrove Baptist Church, I have been a part of many committees and work groups. I feel that I have the skills to listen and work with others as needed.

If elected, what would you hope would be key accomplishments of the board during your years of service?

That all of the Tattnall County Commissioners working as a unified group to get things done for the citizens of Tattnall County, one of my priorities will be “better dirt roads”.

What are your views on the county’s current budget and spending practices? Do any departments need additional appropriations to better serve the citizens?

The budget and spending practices is a great concern for me and if elected this will be one of my first projects to review and to work with other County Commissioners to get a budget in line with the needs.

Are county taxes too high, about right or pleasantly low?

Well who is going to say that their county taxes are pleasantly low? Not I, and yes this is another concern for me and I will do all I can to help lower county taxes for you and for me.

Describe how you see a county commissioner’s role in the daily operations of the county government and what kind of oversight should the Board of Commissioners have over county employees?

A county commissioner is a part of the daily operation of their district and should know what is going on in their district daily and know what is going on with each employee.

How can the Tattnall County Board of Commissioners be more transparent about activities and finances?

County Commissioners should be out seeing and talking with the people of their district
addressing any concerns that the citizens may have.

Will any other employment or business venture in which you are vested present a conflict of interest for you as a Tattnall County Commissioner? Please explain your answer.


a) In the event of an unforeseen conflict of interest arising in your official duties, how would you handle such a conflict to ensure maintenance of public trust?

I would remove myself from any conflict whatever it may be and let the taxpayers know why.

Is there anything else you would like the public to know about you? (This area may also be used to include a bio and of er information on where people can learn more about you?)

I am not a very private person so I’m sure most of you know who I am or know of me.

Jessica Szilagyi is a former Statewide Contributor for

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