Wayne Memorial Hospital will be hosting another $6 Jewelry and Accessories Sale in the lobby of the hospital May 8 and May 9, 7:00 am – 7:00 pm, and May 10, 7:00 am – 2:00 pm. Everyone is invited. Cash, checks, and Mastercard/Visa are accepted.
Fashion jewelry, watches, rings, pashminas, reading glasses, sunglasses, wallets, tote bags and more will be available. All classic line items are $6 while premier show specials and handbags will run from $19.95 to $34.95.
A portion of the sale proceeds will benefit the service of the hospital Auxiliary, which is made up of volunteers who serve patients, their families and the community. Once a year, the Auxiliary donates a large portion of their funds back to the hospital for the purchase of medical equipment benefiting the public.