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TOTALS: Abrams election challenges, lawsuits yielded difference of a mere 160 votes

The long awaited numbers indicating how much the election results changed as a result of the legal challenges and federal lawsuits filed by former Democratic candidate for Governor Stacey Abrams have been released.

Pro Roof GA

So how many ballots, after the court-ordered review, were added to the tabulations?

Acting Georgia Secretary of State Robyn Crittenden certified the General Election results from November 6th on Saturday, November 17th. According to the press release issued Saturday, after the eleven day period following the election, Georgia counties reported only a 160 vote change in ballot counts.

Absentee Ballots

142 of the 159 Georgia counties saw no change in the previously certified election results. The remaining seventeen counties identified an additional ninety-three ballots that they needed to count. The counties then updated their certified results to include those ninety-three ballots on the Secretary of State’s website.

93 ballots were added to the final totals. According to the Secretary of State’s office, Gwinnett County officials performed the same type of review based on a separate court order before sending any certified results to the Secretary of State.

County Added Absentee Ballots
Candler 2
Clay 4
DeKalb 4
Fayette 4
Glynn 9
Jefferson 6
Lanier 3
Marion 1
Montgomery 2
Oglethorpe 4
Pickens 7
Putnam 18
Sumter 11
Telfair 1
Terrell 8
Tift 7
Toombs 2
Total 93


Provisional Ballots 

According to the office, Secretary Crittenden required twenty-seven (27) counties with over 100 provisional ballots cast to perform “a good faith review, using all available information, of rejected provisional ballots cast due to the individual not appearing to be registered to vote.” If, after this good faith review, county officials determined that a provisional ballot should be accepted, they added those ballots to their totals and re-certified.

From the press release:

Secretary Crittenden required those twenty-seven (27) counties to document that they had performed the court-order review, accepted any improperly rejected provisional ballots, and re-certified their results if necessary. As of Friday, November 16, 2018, Secretary Crittenden had received documentation from all twenty-seven (27) counties. Sixteen (16) counties reported no change to their results. Eleven (11) counties identified an additional sixty-seven (67) ballots that they needed to count. 

67 provisional ballots were added to the final totals.

County Added Provisional Ballots
Bibb 0
Bulloch 0
Carroll 1
Chatham 4
Cherokee 1
Clarke 0
Clayton 2
Cobb 6
Decatur 4
DeKalb 16
Dougherty 22
Douglas 0
Floyd 0
Fulton 0
Glynn 0
Gordon 0
Gwinnett 0
Hall 0
Henry 1
Houston 0
Lowndes 0
Muscogee 0
Paulding 0
Richmond 5
Rockdale 0
Troup 5
Walton 0
Total 67


Jessica Szilagyi is a former Statewide Contributor for



  1. DeeDee

    November 19, 2018 at 7:13 am

    I was mad before because of her blatant disregard for every republican in the State of Georgia, but now I’m livid that she created such an uproar and wasted tax payer money over 160 votes. This is why Georgia doesn’t want her, she squanders money like it grows on trees. Stacey Abrams if you want to play that kind of stupid politics, please move to California because we don’t want that socialism here! Bye!!

  2. Betty W. Bridges

    November 19, 2018 at 8:54 am

    I am embarrassed that Georgia has so many idiots! How any true Georgian or American could or would vote for a blatant Socialist, Racist Bully, is mind blowing! Thank God enough of us who support our Constitution and Freedom voted for Governor Kemp! I am shocked and embarrassed that she got as many votes as she did! When you add up the uninformed, the racist, the indoctrinated college students and the ‘gimme free stuff’ bunch, then you understand where this ridiculous amount of votes for her came from!

    • Gay

      November 20, 2018 at 10:44 am

      For real!! I still believe there’s something going on with the voting machines for her to get that many votes! How in the world do people vote for someone like her???

    • Rick

      November 21, 2018 at 3:19 am

      Absolutely! The “gimme free stuff” bunch IS AND HAS ALWAYS BEEN THE PROBLEM. Without God in school, these kids are raised to fear nothing, stand up against everything they feel like including “gimme that” entitlements to anything they want. The millenials are going to end up voting us into progressivism. Georgia should never have ended up this “purple”. We’re a red state! Well, not anymore..

  3. Patricia Jarvis

    November 19, 2018 at 10:07 am

    I am wondering if the Republican Party in Georgia should file a class action lawsuit against Stacey Abrams and her campaign for causing us SO much stress about this campaign? I mean, really, I feel emotionally drained from all the foolishness and agony this has caused- I know we could win.

    • Gay

      November 20, 2018 at 10:46 am

      #MeToo! It was ridiculous! I was stressed out! They need to fix this before 2020!!

  4. Richard

    November 19, 2018 at 12:19 pm

    Totally a racist phony…these socialist Democratic imbeciles are systematically trying to bring down our Republic. Thank God we prevailed and the likes like Abrams, Gillum and do nothing Nelson failed at their attempt to disrupt our government…cannot believe how many votes these fools captured. It’s extremely important that we remain vigilant and insure we elect those qualified people that believe in our Constitution…not some Marxist delusional failed attempt at Utopia…Remember this…Khrushchev once said America will destroy itself from within…Communism will prevail. 😞

  5. Anony Mous

    November 19, 2018 at 2:59 pm

    I am embarassed that people believe that not counting every vote results in “wasted tax payer money”. Isn’t that the pillar of a stable democracy?

    • Matt

      November 24, 2018 at 8:51 am

      Do you have ANY clue what those added 160 votes cost the taxpayers of this state?

  6. Tammy

    November 23, 2018 at 10:06 am

    If it had actually been about ‘counting every vote”, not just her pitching a tantrum because she couldn’t believe she didn’t get what she wanted, then all the uproar she caused might have been understandable. But I will never believe it was anything more than that. She was pushed as the first African American female governor from the beginning, and couldn’t believe that title didn’t get her what she wanted. . Let’s see how 2020 when she runs for senate goes. Betting thee will be more of the same.

  7. Matt

    November 24, 2018 at 8:55 am

    Y’all think it’s bad now? Wait until 2020. The conservatives in this state/country had better start taking their privilege to vote VERY seriously.. These liberal morons aren’t playing around. There is a method to their madness.

  8. Jennifer Holmes

    December 4, 2018 at 10:46 pm

    We have got to stay behind this. GEORGE Soros AND his son are contributing a large sum of money to her different projects, including her campaigns. They are pushing for all the liberals to get in there so we will have a socialist driven government and the elite such as Soros and his ilk will rule. Everyone remember where he came from!!!!

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